In order to gather scientific evidence on the biology of aging and the environmental, health, and economic implications of aging, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) will soon begin research on ‘geriatrics and bio-gerontology.’
The overall goals of this research programme are to build a vibrant, multidisciplinary field of research and diverse network of researchers; and also to establish a research base for environmental, epidemiological, social and biological factors that influence healthy aging.
These research initiatives would help to inform policy decisions and address challenges and opportunities of an aging world. The research on this subject is significant as geriatric research in ICMR has demonstrated the need for focused research on the impact of social, economic and family transitions on the lives of the aged and to understand the biology and genetics of aging. The idea is to explore new areas of research through amalgamation of biomedical and social approaches using quantitative and qualitative methods.
The research programme will focus on longevity, brain aging and neuro-degeneration; and nutrition in the aged.
On longevity, brain aging and neuro-degeneration, the scientific priorities will be on environmental, clinical and biological determinants of functional lifespan, effect of age-related diseases and longevity in humans, genetic studies, mental health and neurological disorders, epidemiology and burden of disease in the elderly. On nutrition in the aged, the scientific priorities will be on aging and nutritional needs, assessment of nutritional status, under nutrition and obesity in aged, nutrition and degenerative diseases.
Scientists and researchers in regular employment in the universities, medical colleges, postgraduate institutions and other research organization in India are eligible to participate in the research programme for which the ICMR has called for proposals from the eligible scientists. Private and not for profit NGOs with certification of recognition as a SIRO from the Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR) are also eligible to participate in the research programme.