Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu in association with the department of anaesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, USA will organise a two-day symposium on pain management and research-2011 on November 1st and 2nd, 2011 for the post graduate and undergraduate students of medicine, biochemistry and biotechnology, anaesthesiology.
The symposium is organized jointly by the department of anaesthesia, department of biochemistry and biotechnology, and the department of anaesthesiology, Yale University, USA at Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Tamilnadu.
The intention of the event is to address the recent developments to be started in pain management and the importance of pain research. The technical sessions will also be conducted on the pain research and management and this will explore the possibilities for collaborative research with scientists from various institutions.
The 2-day symposia will focus on the correct diagnosis and proper treatment of pain which is an important factor of public health. This will enable graduating physicians to ease their patients' pain. Parallel to the human pain management, pain management in domestic and research animals are also very much important to improve newer techniques and to invent newer molecules in the management of pain.
The speakers invited at the symposia include: Dr Thomas Michael Halaszynski, MD, DMD, MBA, director, Urologic Perioperative and Adult Anaesthesia; associate director, PAT, Yale University School of Medicine, USA, Dr Susan Dabu-Bondoc, MD, assistant professor, Yale University School of Medicine, USA, director of Ambulatory recovery room, Yale New Haven Hospital, Dr Lars E Helgeson, MD, assistant professor, Yale University School of Medicine, USA, compliance officer, Department of Anaesthesiology, Yale University, Dr Sukdev Nayak, director, regional cancer centre, Cuttack, Orissa, India and founder member of Indian Association of Palliative Care.
Dr M A M Ramaswamy, pro-chancellor, Annamalai University, Prof. M Ramanathan,vice-chancellor, Annamalai University, Prof. M Rathinasabapathi, registrar, Annamalai University, Prof. N Chidambaram, president, dean, Faculty of Medicine, Annamalai University, Prof. S Viswanathan, vice president, Medical Superintendent & Professor and Head Department of O.B & G, Faculty of Medicine, Annamalai University will be present at the event.