GlaxoSmithKline has launched the first and only vaccine web site with separate content pages that have been individually designed for use by physicians, nurses and office managers. offers a one-stop site giving medical professionals easy on-line access to ordering GlaxoSmithKline vaccines, the latest clinical data and vaccine information and patient education materials.
Says Philip Rosenthal, Professor of pediatrics and surgery, Director of pediatric hepatology, Medical director for pediatric liver transplantation, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, "This new system has the capability to radically change the way vaccinations are provided. It allows me to check on what my patients are reading on vaccines in the national news, download information on vaccines to provide them, and allows the office to automate the vaccine ordering and recall process to save time and money."
Healthcare professionals can register on-line for free on this password-protected site. The site will be updated weekly with latest vaccine information available.
Says John Jabara, Vice President of GlaxoSmithKline's Vaccines Business Unit, "This is a first for vaccine manufacturers. Based on customer feedback, we designed this site to simplify the vaccination process for busy healthcare providers, and the differing needs of doctors, nurses and office managers. We hope this will free up valuable time for them to spend on patient care."