Pathfinder Health India launched its second Pathfinder Health India clinic in Vikaspuri, its first health India centre at Janakpuri, Delhi, was launched in October this year. The company aims to expand its effective health model in India that delivers high-quality, low-cost primary healthcare based on international standards and is working with partners and training institutions and plans to set up a strong workforce of GPs, nurses and healthcare assistants for its health clinics.
Balbir Tyagi, MCD councilor, Vikaspuri, inaugurated the family medical clinic in presence of Dr Niti Pall, chairman and managing director, Pathfinder Health India.
Dr Niti Pall, chairman and managing director, Pathfinder Health India, said “Drawing from the overwhelming response we received since the launch of our first health unit in Janakpuri, we are excited to establish more clinics in other parts of Delhi. This furthers our vision and commitment to bring high quality low-cost healthcare access to people’s doorstep. Pathfinder has been delivering expert primary healthcare in the UK NHS system of family medicine, which is the best developed general practice services in the world. Our aim is to provide services customised according to the needs and requirements of the Indian population and making a difference to the health of the nation.”
Further Dr Pall informed that pathfinder has recently tied up with NOVA Medical Centres in Delhi through which they will provide home care, pre-operative checks, post-operative care and GP services to the patients of NOVA centres.
Commending the novel initiative, Balbir Tyagi said, “The good old friendly neighborhood family doctors have somewhat faded away with time. I am extremely pleased to see that Pathfinder Health India has undertaken this project to revive family medicine and strengthen the role of family doctors who are equipped to provide the much needed holistic, affordable and quality healthcare solutions across urban and rural communities.”
Pathfinder Health India clinics also focuses on key areas such as immunisation, cervical screening, minor surgery, family planning, integrated health- Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, acupuncture, palliative care, district nursing, health messaging, early health interventions, diagnostics, community awareness, and engagement.