
MDACS renames ICTC to ‘Shakti Clinic–HIV/AIDS Salah Kendra’

Our Bureau, MumbaiTuesday, March 6, 2012, 13:20 Hrs  [IST]

Due to technicality and complication associated with its name which very few were aware off, Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS) recently reformed their Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTC) into Shakti Clinic- HIV/AIDS Salah Kendra’. A total of 100 Shakti Clinic -HIV/AIDS Salah Kendras will be operational from March 14 across Mumbai with a revamp look, feel, design and experience to remove the fear of testing amongst the TG and increase the recognition, recall and response amongst all.

‘Shakti Clinic’ the overhauled transition of ICTC’s was conceptualised with three major attributes in name - neutral language, powerful and simplicity. The brand logo was created keeping in mind that it should be religion neutral considering the cultural melting pot that Mumbai is.

The international symbol - red ribbon of AIDS awareness, has been transformed to a red ribbon that curls up to a fist symbolizing strength i.e. ‘Shakti’. The strength of accessibility of information and services in the name itself is a step forward in reducing the stigma and being approachable. Brand Shakti identity will be consistent across all 100 clinics with the reformed design, look, feel and experience radiating Shakti to all senses.

The HIV counseling and testing have been implemented by MDACS in Mumbai through the Integrated counseling and testing centers (ICTCs) for more than a decade which has also resulted in an increase in the number of clients tested for HIV from 160499 in 2008 to 225275 in 2011.

However, the recent survey conducted by MDACS amongst the TG which included general population from slum and non slums, pregnant women from public and private sectors, bridge population like truckers and migrants and high risk groups like FSW and MSM revealed that 82 per cent of the sample size had heard about HIV/AIDS testing but more than 75 per cent of this 82 per cent were not aware of ICTC.

Integrated HIV counseling and testing is a very important tool both in prevention and control as well as in the early diagnosis of an individual and subsequent care and support. It is a fact that very few people who are living with HIV/AIDS are aware about their HIV status. The only means of knowing one’s HIV status is to undergo a blood test.
