The casual approach of the Department of Health has led to the surrendering of the money allocated for telemedicine that is being implemented to expand the reach, range and quality of primary healthcare services available in the public health system, says the report of the Parliamentary Committee on health.
Telemedicine or e-Health can expand the reach, range and quality of Primary Health Care services available in Public Health System to seamlessly synergize with the overall health sector rejuvenation being undertaken under NRHM. The telemedicine centre at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow is the National Resource Centre and network hub, the panel said.
“During the year 2011-12, Rs.20 crore was allocated for e-Health (telemedicine). Out of this Rs.1 crore was released to SGPGI, Lucknow, the National Resource Centre identified under the scheme of National Medical College Network (NMCN) and balance amount of Rs.19 crore is being surrendered,” the report said.
Subsequent to approval of NMCN Scheme, the Standardization group recommended to entrust the work to Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL), a PSU which has furnished a proposal involving Rs.151 crore which is under examination in consultation with Department of Information Technology and Department of Telecommunications, the committee was told.
After technical examination of the TCIL’s proposal, and financial concurrence, it is anticipated that substantial amount of funds would be required for undertaking the strengthening and upgradation of the National Resource Centre (NRC) and five Regional Resource Centers (RRCs) identified under NMCN scheme as well as for establishing the network and infrastructure for providing tele-education facilities to medical colleges to be linked to RRCs, according to the health department.
“The Committee appreciates this new initiative of the Department aiming at extending the outreach of health services to a vast population but is apprehensive that the casual approach of the Department has resulted in surrendering of Rs.19 crore out of Rs.20 crore allocated for e-health during 2011-12. The Committee is skeptical of the success of the programme since the programme is yet in planning stage and large milestones have to be travelled till some visible impact is seen of the programme,” the panel observed.