The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has invited proposals from R&D companies in the country to develop affordable healthcare technologies and products having translational attributes and commercialization capability, especially in the thematic areas of diagnostics for infectious disease and allergy, biomedical devices, vaccines, etc.
The DBT is conducting this programme under its Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) which is a government partnership programme with industry for support on a cost sharing basis for development of novel and high risk futuristic technologies mainly for viability gap funding and enhancing existing R&D capacities of start-ups and SMEs in key areas of national importance and public good.
DBT is operating this scheme through Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a not-for-profit company set up by the DBT to promote and nurture innovation research in biotech enterprises specially start-ups and SMEs. BIPP has so far executed more than 75 industry partnership agreements for projects focusing on affordable healthcare technologies; food security and energy related needs of the country and also in the area of scale up, biosimilars, vaccines, therapeutics etc.
The DBT's attempt in this direction comes in the wake of it recognizing the importance of supporting development of technologies and products for health care with a view to reduce cost, increase their availability, accessibility and affordability for the society at large.
The attempt to develop affordable health care technologies and products is being announced to accentuate the need of such technologies and make an effort to contribute towards fostering the development of affordable healthcare technologies and products having translational attributes and commercialization capability. The proposal may be submitted for any stage of research and development, from pre-proof-of-concept to validation of established technologies.
Thematic areas of the present programme include diagnostics for infectious disease and allergy which is aimed at development of point of care and public health or environment related invitro diagnostics.
Another thematic area is biomedical devices for novel and innovative technologies addressing health problems and aiming at improving quality of life. Technologies may include, but are not limited to, ventilators, haemostatic and lifesaving devices, paediatric devices, imaging and monitoring devices or guided interventions, prosthesis, catheter, stents, Infant warmer, drug delivery devices, radiological devices/ product, implants, (advanced biomaterials, wound therapies, and devices used for infection control, tele-health technologies, etc.
The other thematic area is vaccines. Novel, improved and affordable vaccines for HIV, TB, malaria, dengue, multivalent influenza, helicobacter pylori, cancer, hepatitis viruses, typhoid, cholera, Japanese encephalitis, intramuscular polio. Single dose vaccines with long lasting protection, Novel Adjuvants, Immunomodulators, Room temperature tolerant (do not require refrigeration), Improved vaccine delivery mechanisms.
Collaborative proposals involving a joint effort by Industry and public sector institutions/universities/other organizations towards developing innovative, affordable solutions to existing healthcare problems in the country will be encouraged by the DBT.
The proposals can be submitted by an Indian Company alone or by an Indian Company along with public sector R&D institution(s), organization(s), laboratory(ies), university(ies) etc.; or by a consortium of Indian Companies; or by a consortium of Indian Companies along with public sector R&D institution(s), organization(s), laboratory(ies), university(ies), etc.