With a view to strengthen the substandard drug withdrawal system in states, drug regulators from across the country have shown interest in adopting the self-licensing software developed and adopted by the Gujarat Food & Drugs Control Administration, (FDCA). Taking a note from the successful implementation of the programme in the state in ensuring pubic safety, six states have recently sent their representation to the Gujarat FDCA requesting them to share the software with them.
Gujarat had implemented this software last year with a view sensitise all the stakeholders on any news or updates on circulation of substandard drugs in the supply chain of the state. The software is specifically designed to implement on line drug alert system to warn the retailers of any adverse report on batch to batch test reports released by the drug testing laboratory through short message services (SMS). Through this system all the retail pharmacists and the district level regulatory officials are immediately updated and informed on any discrepancies found on batches of medicines that are found to be of not of standard quality in the drug testing lab.
Acknowledging the important role of self-licensing software in ensuring pubic safety in the state, drug regulators from Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Chatisgarh and West Bengal recently has applied to avail of the software for implementation in their states. Once they get the approval, these states will be able to implement the same system in their state which is an integral part of the e-governance programme initiated by the Gujarat FDCA.
Dr H G Koshia, commissioner, FDCA who had pioneered the e-governance programme in the state informed that his office has already sent the proposal to the state government for their approval on sharing the software with other states which is expected to be passed soon.
He pointed out, “This software is playing a very important role in notifying and sensitising all the stakeholders about the status and efficacy of a drug through effective and instant communication, which can check the supply of sub standard drugs in the state. This technology helps the FDCA to alert the retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers about the not-of-standard drugs as soon as it is detected in the lab.”
Till recently, Gujarat was the only state to have adopted this software which was developed by the state drug regulatory body in association with the National Informatics Centre (NIC), under its e-governance programme. Taking a lead from Gujarat, four other states namely Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala have also adopted and implemented this software in their states.
“The recognition of this software and overall demand for the same is a proof of our endeavour towards making our state regulatory body a leader in the e-governance programme. We are thrilled by the success of this software that was developed exclusively as per our needs and we have no reservation in sharing it with our counterparts for the cause of ensuring pubic safety at large,” Dr Koshia added.