The Gujarat Food and Drug Control Administration (FDCA) has launched a massive drive across select districts in Gujarat against the illegal activities of the chemists and druggists in the area. The main aim behind the drive was to analyse the present work ethics followed by various stakeholders in the state so as to ensure that the provisions of the drugs and cosmetics (D&C) Act and Rules were being followed by them properly.
Gujarat FDCA had earlier carried out a district wise investigation which later prompted them to initiate surprise check on around 100 chemists shops from across four major districts namely Baroda, Bharuch, Surendra Nagar and some parts of Ahmedabad. During the investigation process, the drug regulators went through all the sales receipt and other trade related documents of the stakeholders so as to ensure that none of the stakeholders were involved in any activities that point out discrepant activities.
Shockingly, following the screening of some of the chemists and pharmacy shops in the said area, drug officials found that some of them have been involved in illegal activities like selling drugs to the patients without proper prescription which is in contravention of the D&C Act. Under provisions of Rule 65 of the Act, it is punishable under the law for a chemist or a druggist to dispense medicines without a valid prescription issued by a certified medical practitioner.
Dr H G Koshia, commissioner, Gujarat FDCA informed that out of the 100 chemists and pharmacy shops that have been checked till now almost 30 of the shops were found to be flouting Rule 65 of the Act, from which 20 where from Baroda, seven from Bharuch and the rest from the other areas. He further stressed that all the culprits have already been indicted for their actions and will be punished severely for their activities which are not only in contravention of the law but also against the safety of the public.
The main aim behind this drive was to bring a stop to the practice of sale of medicines by the chemists and druggists without proper prescription. This action was further spurred by the recent study conducted by the FDCA officials which showed that many of the chemists and druggists from the state were blatantly involved in the illegal activity of selling drugs, especially those drugs that aid in the termination of pregnancy, without prescription.
“We have always strived to achieve our goal of ensuring public safety by propagating safe use of medicines in the state and thus we will take strict against against those who indulge in any activities that are against public interest. No consideration will be given to any of the stakeholders who try to mislead and misinterpret the law for their benefit thus putting the life of patients at risk,” Dr Koshia warned.
FDCA plans to carry out this drive as an on going process so that all the activities of the stakeholders are frequently scanned and checked regularly to refrain them from continuing such activities. The drug regulatory authority has already issued a stern directive to all the stakeholders from the state from indulging in any such activities in future and warned them of severe punishment under the law along with cancellation of their license.