Manipal University, Karnataka recently awarded Dr Sunil Satyappa Jalalpure, professor, KLE University’s College of Pharmacy, Belgaum with national level young pharmacy teacher award for the year 2012 at the 17th (APTI) Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India Annual Convention.
Dr M V Kamat, director & advisor of Manipal University and pro-chancellor Dr H S Ballal, Manipal University, Dr P G Yeole, president of APTI, Prof. BG Shivananda, secretary of APTI and other dignitaries and life members honoured Dr Sunil Jalalpure.
Dr Sunil Jalalpure received Best Teacher Award - 2011 from KLE University on Teacher’s Day. Dr Jalalpure has undergone research training at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, on Sophisticated Analytical Instruments in 2010. He also received travel grant from AICTE under Young Scientist Category to present research paper in World Congress on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants at Cape Town, South Africa in 2008. He has been invited to visit Australia, Thailand, Malaysia and South Africa to attend and present research papers at conferences.
Prof. Jalalpure has completed three research projects funded by UGC, ICMR & AICTE. Prof. Jalalpure has published over 58 scientific papers in national and international journals and presented 68 papers at national and international conferences. He has two intellectual property rights to his credit. Prof. Jalalpure authored a Text Book of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology published by Elsiever Publications.