Dr Lokeswara Rao from Star Hospitals in Hyderabad had been nominated to the prestigious Techno College Award for his immense contribution in the development of an innovative and a breakthrough technique for bypass surgery.
A new surgical technique in coronary artery bypass grafting surgery which reduces sterna wound infection using modified pedicle bilateral internal thoracic artery harvest technique and the patented device MASP (mammary artery surgical platform) has been developed by Dr Lokeswara Rao Sajja. Currently Dr Rao is working as a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon in Star Hospitals.
Having recognized for his immense contributions in the development of a breakthrough device and operating technique for bypass surgery, Dr Rao’s name has been confirmed nominated for the prestigious award of EACTS for the year 2012s
Dr Rao is expected to leave to Spain to participate in the 26th Annual meeting of the European Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) which is to be held in Barcelona from 27 to 31 October. Dr Sajja is also expected to give a paper presentation on “Analysis of thirty-day outcomes of off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: a large cohort study” which is the only scientific study conducted from India that is being discussed in the prestigious forum.
As Dr Rao’s contributions are recognized as vital development in the field of Bypass Surgery, many are expecting the award will be confirmed.
Every year the Techno-College in Barcelona in Spain invites applications from surgeons, engineers, innovators, researchers and scientists active in the field of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery to apply for The Techno-College Innovation Award. Techno College Innovation Award of European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery is awarded annually to one of the surgeons, engineers, innovators, researchers and scientists active in the field of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
The main aim of this award is to recognize and promote technological breakthroughs in all areas related to thoracic and cardiovascular research in particular for new surgical methods or devices. Innovations can be in the form of patents, inventions, new products, ideas or services. The innovations should have the potential to change the standard practice and should go beyond marginal improvements in existing procedures or products.
The winner of the award will be chosen on behalf of the EACTS by the members of the New Technology Committee and the innovator will have the opportunity to present his/her work during the Annual Techno-College on Saturday 27 October 2012, where the prize of €5,000, will also be awarded.