Marking the world cancer day, Apollo hospital in Hyderabad had organised a unique cancer awareness programme where the fashion students have depicted cancer prevention themes through their dressing styles that caught to everyone’s eye.
The unique fashion show on cancer prevention was to send a strong message to the youth on lifestyle modifications necessary to prevent cancer. This fashion forward event ever held had students stretching all barriers of imagination in depicting five themes which included ‘No Smoking, No Chewing of tobacco, Moderation in alcohol consumption, Enhancing intake of vegetables and fruits component in diet, Avoiding fried and non vegetarian foods and Making adequate exercise a lifetime affair.’
The dazzling show with the theme of cancer prevention had students from top fashion institutes in the city which include National Institute of Fashion Design (NIFD), National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Hamstech Institute of Fashion & Interior Designing, Lakhotia Institute of Design and Raffles Millennium International.
According to Dr Vijay Anand Reddy, cancer incidence is growing alarmingly and the recent phenomenon of youth being victims of the dreaded disease is a matter of grave concern. The prime cause for this rise is adoption of improper life styles and cancer being termed as life style disease is no more a misnomer, he says.
According to studies most cancers today are because of smoking or chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, less of vegetables and fruits in the diet, more of fried food and non-vegetarian in the diet and lack of adequate exercise. Majority of the cancers are preventable if one can modify life style. “If we can modify our life styles, we can prevent almost two-thirds of cancers. To create awareness on life style modification, we are hosting this unique cancer prevention theme based Fashion Show on the occasion of World Cancer Day,” said Dr Reddy.
Awareness and sensitization among the common public about various lifestyle habits causing cancer is important to avoid spread of the menace. Despite regular awareness campaigns percolation of the message amongst the youth is still at the minimal and disappointing. This fashion show is our endeavour to communicate the message in the way the youth understands the best, says Dr Reddy.