As a part of its efforts to mainstream issues relating to HIV/AIDS, the Department of AIDS Control (NACO) has signed an memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the ministry of shipping.
Under the MoU, NACO will provide HIV/ AIDS/ STI preventive care support and treatment services to port workers as well as community around major ports including fishermen, seafarers, truckers, single male migrants and other vulnerable population, etc. It also aims to provide stigma free environment and promote greater involvement of people living with HIV in all major port areas.
Under the MoU, the ministry of shipping will make available health infrastructure and human resources for prevention and management of HIV/ AIDS/ STI and will designate responsibility to personnel at suitable level to plan, implement and monitor HIV/ AIDS/ STI services. It will ensure identified health personnel from the facilities are provided capacity building by State AIDS Control Societies and promote safe sexual practices among vulnerable population in port setting with necessary support from State AIDS Control Societies. It will also ensure dissemination/ display of IEC material pertaining to HIV/ AIDS/ STI at ports/ health facilities and outreach activities.
The ministry will also ensure ICTC/ PPTCT/ and STI services and ensure availability of rapid HIV diagnostic kits (three different antigens/ principles) as per NACO guidelines and specifications. It will set up designated STI/ ICTC Clinics at major ports for vulnerable population including truckers and transport workers and will ensure availability of STI drug kits as per NACO guidelines and specifications.
Under the MoU, NACO will share nationally approved treatment protocols, guidelines and standards pertaining to STI/ HIV/ AIDS, besides providing technical support and build capacity of ports health personnel to facilitate integration of HIV/ AIDS in the Health Services. It will also provide training to major port health personnel on syndromic case management of STI and also on integrated counseling and testing services for HIV. It will also provide technical support for implementation of IEC and awareness activities around major ports with support of ports authorities and will share reporting formats and monitoring mechanisms. The NACO will coordinate and provide necessary technical support to ministry of shipping/ major ports to integrate STI/ HIV/ AIDS services.