The Federation of Obstetric & Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI), South Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (SAFOG) and the Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Jhpiego) have joined hands to launch a fast track initiative called ‘Helping Mothers Survive’ (HMS). The main aim of their initiative is to reduce the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in Afghanistan and other South Asian nations including India.
Initially the trio is focusing on conducting training for obstetricians, gynaecologists, and medical officers, primary health care centre staff and ANMs/ Staff Nurses in Afghanistan and South Asian nations through the ‘Helping Mothers Survive’ campaign. In fact the idea to reduce MMR was conceptualized at the recently concluded 9th SAFOG conference in Agra.
Statistics revealed that every day 800 women die worldwide because of pregnancy-related health problems and a staggering 99 per cent of these are reported from developing countries. The MMR is particularly high among populous South Asian nations because of poor nutrition and inadequate health services.
Revealing the MMR statistics in various countries, “The war-ravaged Afghanistan has the highest MMR at 1,400 for every 100,000. This is way above the other South Asian nations – India 236/100,000; Pakistan – 260/100,000 and Bangladesh – 194/100,000. Therefore, our immediate aim is to bring down the MMR in Afghanistan through timely intervention. We are evolving a plan involving professional organizations of both countries and respective governments,” said Dr Hema Divakar, president, FOGSI.
According to the UN millennium development goals, the MMR has to be reduced by 5.5 per cent on an annual basis, but it is at 2.3 per cent at present. “The MMR in developed nations is 16 for every 100,000 whereas the average MMR in developing nations is 240/100,000. This is higher in a few African and South Asian nations. If we have to meet the UN goals, then, we need to intensify our programs through a combination of improved access to healthcare services and training,” Dr Hema added.
The training will be implemented by using an innovative model of birth simulator called ‘mammanatalle’. We will offer training on prevention, recognition and treatment of PPH and PE/E (Postpartum Haemorrhage and Pre Eclampsia & Eclampsia), which are the leading causes of maternal mortality. Our aim is to prevent needless maternal deaths and the urgency is expressed by calling this mission as a ‘fast track initiative’, Dr Hema pointed out.