
Lotus, a unique nutritional supplement

Dr. Rupa ShahThursday, March 14, 2013, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The lotus, which was given the botanical name Nelumbo nucifera or Nelumbium speciosum, is an erect plant growing in ponds, its rootstock stout and creeping. Its leaves stand high above water level, round, two to three feet in diameter, margins raised upwards, leaf stalk and flower stalk three to six feet long, hollow, smooth or with scattered prickles. The flowers are red, white, and yellow, four to ten inches in diameter, petals numerous.

The physical characteristics of the plant and its beautiful blossom reflect its spiritual symbolism and properties as well, in what is known as the Doctrine of Signatures .The lotus grows in the muddy water of still ponds and lakes. The magnificent blossom unfolds gradually one petal at a time, till full-bloom in the morning when the sun's rays touch the flower. As the lotus awakens and blooms at the first rays of the morning sun, the interdependence between the lotus and the sun is a symbol of love.

The plant has its roots deep in the soil under water. The long, cylindrical stalk passes through the water and rises above the water's surface. The mud in which the lotus roots grow represents material life, while the water through which the stalk passes represents the astral world. When the plant reaches the surface of the water and opens its bud to the sun, it represents a spiritual being.

The crown chakra--the energy centre at the top of the head--is also called "The Thousand-petalled lotus", which is a symbol of final revelation. It is believed that the transformation of the world into a paradise can occur through the lotus, which expounds fully the oneness of all life. In Buddhist tradition, the fully-opened lotus has a strong solar character and its petals are likened to the rays of the sun. It is a symbol of enlightenment in this tradition. In the Egyptian tradition also the same theme is repeated.
All parts of lotus are useful as food or medicine.

Lotus seeds
The lotus flower produces edible seeds, which you can eat cooked or raw. Lotus seeds are good source of protein, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. They are also low in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Lotus seeds are a good source of protein. Iron and zinc among trace elements included within the seeds. All lotus seeds contain the anti-aging enzyme L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, which is said to help repair damaged proteins. Because of this, many cosmetic companies are now finding ways to include the seeds in anti-aging blends.

Lotus seeds have astringent properties that have specific benefits to the kidneys, helping to restore vital energy within the body. The seeds are also used to treat sexual conditions. The sweet and neutral taste of lotus seeds said to nourish the spleen and alleviate diarrhoea. The seeds are traditionally thought to have sedative or calming properties, and are therefore used to treat insomnia or restlessness. The lotus embryo, or heart of the lotus seed, benefits the heart because of its bitter and cooling properties. The bitter components are said to include the isoquinoline alkaloids, which may have antispasmodic and calming effects, may help dilate blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure.

Lotus stem
They are very rich in iron, which is required for RBC formation in blood. There is a good amount of calcium also present, required for maintenance and repair of bones and teeth.

Lotus stem is high in dietary fibre. It is highly recommended for pregnant women and people with chronic complain of constipation. The chlorophyll present in the stack acts as active anti oxidant to fight against cancer producing free radicals.

Lotus stem is a rich source of calcium and fibre. The calcium in lotus stem influences bone strength and density as well as heart function. The iron is useful for boosting haemoglobin and myoglobin production in blood. The fibre in lotus stem is critical for helping to maintain digestive and bowel health.

One can eat lotus stems to increase intake of antioxidants. Edible lotus contains tryptophan, an amino acid that influences antioxidant activity. Antioxidants protect the cells of body from free radicals, compounds found in environmental toxins that can damage cells.

Lotus leaves
The leaf paste is applied to the body in case of fever and inflammatory skin conditions. The young leaves of lotus are taken with sugar to treat rectal prolapse. The leaves are also used in treating sunstroke, diarrhoea, dysentery, dizziness and vomiting of blood.

Lotus oil
A study published in the July 2009 issue of "Experimental & Molecular Medicine" examined the role that an essential oil made from the petals and stamens of the lotus could have on the body's production of melanin. According to the results, within the chemical composition of this oil extract is palmitic acid methyl ester, which was seen to induce the creation of melanin via a process called melanogenesis. These results indicated that oil extracted from the lotus flower might be effective in preventing gray hair and stimulating the body's production of melanin.

Lotus flowers as tea
Drinking tea brewed from the nutrient-rich lotus flower can improve overall health, in much the same way that taking iron and vitamin supplements, as the lotus flower is a natural source of many of these vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Lotus flower remedy
As a flower remedy, Lotus has many uses. It is called the spiritual elixir. It helps in meditation by calming the mind and improving concentration. Thus it assists in spiritual growth -- take seven drops before meditation. It is good when used as a spray around the place of ceremonies. When used with crystals, it is very powerful in effect. Lotus is an excellent elixir for balancing, cleansing and strengthening the aura. All the chakras are aligned and balanced by releasing, adding, or directing energies to them, thus resulting in better health and harmony.

Lotus also balances and amplifies the effects of other flower remedies when used in a combination. It corrects emotional imbalances by allowing a gentle release of emotions. For example, a case of severe backache may be due to a suppression of emotions and a storing of negative emotions and can be helped by release of emotions through dreams. It is a good harmonizing essence for interpersonal relationships, as well as for our connections with our animals.

In general, Lotus hastens recovery from illness, so it can be given to the patient at the start of therapy. It is a very good aid to healers in diagnosing patient's conditions more accurately and ameliorates the anxiety of a healer about the patient's problems. When in doubt about which therapy to prescribe for a patient or when the patient's condition is confusing, Lotus flower remedy opens up the case by clearing the picture.

Lotus aids in cleaning the entire system of toxins -- physical or subtle. It can be used in bath therapy and can also be used locally along with lotus oil, or in a cream or lotion base with Lotus essence added. The essence augments the effectiveness of Kinesiology, Aromatherapy, Homoeopathy and tissue salts, and is also used on acupressure points.

Meditating on the lotus brings harmony into all aspects of our being within and without. Given the lotus plant's potency as a symbol and its thousands of years of association with spiritual practice in many traditions, we believe that the essence made from lotus is the foremost flower essence on this planet.

The author is Director, Healin Temple
