Delhi Pharmaceutical Trust (DPT) launched its initiative for consumer awareness for safe use of medicines, at the premises of Majeedia Hospital, New Delhi to coincide with the Pharmacist Day celebrations.
The informative kiosk was inaugurated by Dr Firdosh Wani, registrar, and Dr Dwivedi, deputy medical superintendent of the hospital.
The launch was organised in association with Indian Pharmaceutical Association (Delhi Branch). “This was the first location where such initiative has been launched and the kiosk will be put up at different locations during the coming months and will be a feature till next march” said Dr DBA Narayana, managing trustee of the Delhi Trust.
“We will try to put these kiosks in other hospitals and public places where large number of patients/consumers move and spread the information” said Dr Farhan, president of IPADB.
The kiosk has three roll-up posters which provide information to consumers on medicine purchase, proper storage tips, and the assistance provided by a pharmacist to the patients. Additionally pictorially well designed Patient Information Leaflets prepared by DPT distributed. The leaflets highlighted information about select health diseases and disorders like blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and pain related conditions. The information is displayed in a question and answer format to educate and create an awareness among patients and the public.