
The healing power of Marshal Yoga

AD Pradeep Kumar, MumbaiThursday, October 17, 2013, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Combining some of the most important techniques in yoga , naturopathy , acupressure and some other healing systems, Yoga Guru, Dr. Krishnadeo Giri , an expert in yoga and martial arts has developed a unique system of healing -Marshal Yoga,which is beneficial for curing a number of diseases.

Says Dr Giri “Many learn Yoga Shastra but they are unable to get rid of diseases and disorders .Why does it happen? It is because to learn is one thing and to experience it is altogether different. Shallow knowledge is meaningless and the Yoga Shastra is a science one has to experience. In order to remove all misconceptions and misunderstanding ,one should directly experience Yoga shastra”.

The science of Yoga is as vast as an ocean. Actual swimming in the sea water is a unique experience similar is the case of Yoga Shastra. One who has experienced and enjoyed the pleasure of Marshal Yoga, creates a close bond with it. Through this physical, mental and spiritual progress , satisfaction, contentment and peace naturally naturally follows. Then life becomes successful in the true sense, says Dr Giri.

Though Marshal Yoga may resemble physical exercises , they are totally different. Physical exercises are good but its aim is different. Physical strength and muscular strength are obtained through physical exercise but Marshal Yoga not only give importance to body but also to mind, life energy and their healthy states.

While physical exercise needs more exertion, Marshal Yoga can be easily practised without force and strength but with orderly breathing.

Daily practice of Marshal Yoga includes Dhyan, Pran Yog, Pran Kumbhak, Pran Hruday, Pran Sugar, Pran Vajan, Pran Ashtachakrar , Pran Karna and Aumkar Sadhana.

Dhyan or meditation helps reduce the tensions of body and mind and also enables to attain the highest aim of life.

Pran Yog helps in reducing tension and bring in tranquillity to mind. This is beneficial for persons afflicted by cancer. Pran Kumbhak helps sports persons to increase strength and stamina. It helps in removing obstructions from the arteries and veins. It is beneficial for asthmatics.

Pran Sugar is helpful for diabetic patients as well as in kidney failures. It helps in increasing digestion It also helps in stopping addiction to liquor.

Pran Vajan is helpful for reducing weight and also helps in removing blockages from the arteries and veins.

Poran Hruday helps in the functioning of heart and also helps in refreshing the whole body. It is beneficial for those who are in need of a bypass. In short it can give a bye pass to a bypass.

Pran Ashtachakra helps in cleansing veins and arteries and making body strong. It is beneficial for people suffering from infertility , HIV , cancer , white spots , psoriasis and kidney trouble.

While Pran Healer helps in curing throat disorders and improving blood circulation of the face, Pran Karna helps to increase hearing and curing disorders of the ears and Pran Aum helps to energise and refresh the entire body.

In today's stressful lifestyle, if one can spare half an hour for Marshal Yoga , he can maintain physical as well as mental fitness without any medicines, says Dr Giri. Daily half an hour spent in Marshal Yoga practice will bring in contentment, satisfaction and utmost tranquillity of mind

There is more and more awareness in our society about it. Hence more people are getting attracted to systems like yoga and naturopathy. Now yoga classes' are-conducted on a very large scale right from cities to mofusil level, adds Dr Giri.

Dr Giri is working as an officer with the Maharashtra Police Intelligence Department . Even while doing his duties, he is engaged in the propagation of yoga, natural remedies, acupressure, astrology and several healing systems

Dr Giri firmly believes that awareness of physical fitness and self protection should reach the common masses and economically backward people of the society.

With this in view he has founded Self Protection, Yoga and Sports Academy(S.Y.S. Academy), Mumbai and through this organization he is giving training right from small children to elderly people and even conducts self protection classes for women and orphans.

He is also giving ‘Self Protection & Yoga’ classes to the staff of police force. He has conducted 32 yoga camps for police as well as for the public all over India from the year 2011onwards.

The work Dr Giri is undertaking to bring succour to common masses has earned him the moniker the sage from the police force.

His thesis on Yoga has been awarded with, ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ (Ph.D.) by an international university in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He delivered Lecture on ‘Healing Power of Marshal Yoga’ at the 50th World Congress Integrated Medicines Conference’ held at Colombo during November 2012. His programme for healthy life through Marshal Yoga has been presented on National Channel Doordarshan (Sahyadri).He was presented with the “Vaidya Ratna Award 2013” by Aadhar Ayurved.

Dr Giri has so far published 20 books on yoga and fitness . It includes 'Mansamarthya' (power of mind), 'Tanavmukta Aarogya (tension free health) and many other books.

The Director General of Police, Maharashtra State has instructed all police units to buy these books and also given permission to arrange yoga camps at various police units in the state.

Dr. Giri has inherited spiritual philosophy from his grandfather Ganugiri and father Nivrutti Giri. Wife of Dr. Giri is also an officer in the police department .

Dr. Giri along with his official duty finds time in imparting Dhyana Yoga , Prana Yoga, Marshal Yoga and acupressure training. To learn and acquire new techniques and to use these new techniques for the benefit of the laymen is a passion for him. To bring in positive changes in a human being is Dr Giri's mission in life.
