
The fish oil; the nutraceutical - elixir of health

AN Nagappa, Bodhisatwa Das & Shiv Sagar KWednesday, October 30, 2013, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Nature has wealth of resources which can be used as remedy for many ailments. Such resources are rediscovered by modern science and emphasis on renewed value for such substances are reported often in media, e.g. Noni, Aloevera and Oats. The management of health is becoming complex and no easy solutions in sight, people are looking into nature for resolving their condition without being burdened with poly-pharmacy of modern medicine. The health issues are becoming critical as large number of patients are queuing up for consultation in the department of medicine, cardiology, and almost all medical specialties. The infrastructure of healthcare provision has remained as it was, but there is geometrical progression of patients numbers making deficiency and shortage in health care services. The patient overflow is a common scenario in many clinics across the country. This issue of patient overflow is a matter of great concern. Even though additional investments are welcome in infrastructure for healthcare facility, there is a sixth sense prevailing, alerting the policy makers that their efforts are in vain and the situation may go out of control anytime and anywhere and any condition. Looking at the sudden increase in the number of patients, it can be sensed that there is a strong link between the alteration in dietary pattern and life style. The consumers are frantic about the consequences of changed status of health; are found to experiment innovative approaches to overcome the future risks like heart diseases. There is renewed interest in nutraceuticals  and cosmaceuticals observed as a new trend among consumers leading to an exponential growth in this sector. They are getting popular by mass media advertisements like television commercials which are endorsed by celebrities. The multinational companies are also jumping into the fray looking at phenomenal growth in nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals.

People in general have changed their likings for food and are opting for taste rather than health and thus neglecting the nutritional aspect. There are innumerable nutrients available in natural food, which can do miracle in one’s health if taken appropriately. The natural honey, the whole grains, lenticels and legumes are to name a few. Recently the value of vitamin D in health is identified in various conditions like diabetes, calcium metabolism etc. There are many wild guesses that the common man is not getting enough of vitamin D due to changed lifestyle and varying food habits e.g. inadequate exposure to direct sunlight is one of the identified causes. Vitamin D is available in various food products e.g. cod liver oil, fish, fish oils, eggs, mushrooms etc.

The lack of vitamin D in individuals can be mainly attributed to the fact that people owing to their hectic lifestyles are not able to expose themselves to adequate amount of sunshine needed to synthesize the vitamin by the body. Also the fact that sunshine contains UV rays which is essential for the synthesis of the aforesaid vitamin. But at the same time the UV rays are considered harmful for the skin and may cause damage and even skin cancer as suggested by many studies.  It is also a established fact that vitamin D also helps prevent Rickets or osteomalacia and low bone density. The role of vitamin D in the case of multiple sclerosis is also being discussed.

Scientists have done extensive research in this area and found that Omega 3 fatty acids such as Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and Decosahexanoic acid (DHA) are abundant in fish and fish oils and are rich in anti-oxidants, which help prevent inflammation and have other health benefits as well. There is a finding which suggests that people who eat fish regularly have lower risk of cardiac related complications as compared to people who do not consume fish at all. Fish oil is derived from certain kinds of fish which do not produce it by themselves but in turn produce them by eating algae and other small fish in the water. The health benefit includes prevention from Hypertension, Mental health, Alzheimer’s disease, Lupus erythematosus, Parkinson’s disease, Depression, Psoriasis etc. Fish oil is also proved to help in decreasing the levels of high triglycerides which in turn helps reduce the risk of heart disease and related complications. Omega 3 fatty acids is an important component of fish oil ; which helps to prevent diseases like cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Food sources of marine origin are of very high medicinal value beside being high in protein content compared to other non-vegetarian food such as meat from other sources. Fish is often regarded as the brain food because over the years people have been eating fish to help with depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alzheimer’s disease etc. It is sure to be effective for lowering increased triglycerides in the body as has been proved by many studies. It may be possibly effective in Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Dysmenorrhea. Fish such as Tuna, Salmon and Sardines are known to be rich in these nutrients. But there is a limit to which this should be consumed, otherwise it may lead to decline in health e.g. increase in the risk of stroke. Fish oil is obtained from eating fish or by taking supplements. The main component of fish oil are the nutritional EPA and DHA (discussed above) and these are known to exhibit beneficial effects by reducing mortality and morbidity associated with cardiovascular diseases. As far as the side effects are concerned it is generally well tolerated but may cause GIT upset or a fishy odour in the breath, skin or urine. Contraindications include increase in the bleeding time with very high doses of fish oils (> 12 g/day). Therefore, carefulness should be exerted by people with bleeding disorders. Stress and inflammation has potential to damage nerve cells and various components, altering the brain health. Fish oils are the promising dietary supplements to withstand nerve damage caused by inflammation. In this regard researchers found that the DHA component of fish oil can significantly reduce neural inflammation, in turn preserves cognitive function and wards off dementia and psychological conditions like depression.

As per the medical technology anti-aging medicine could prolong the healthy life span of humans. The quality of life can be enhanced and sustained by early detection, prevention, treatment and reversal of age related dysfunction, disorders and diseases. Research on fish oil for its anti-aging properties is one of the recent breakthroughs in this field. Aging process is linked to certain temporal changes that occur in DNA, namely shortening the length of the Telomeres with time. It was found that these DNA change associated with aging process are diminished in people whose diet had substantial fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Surprisingly, there are nutritional supplements which are safe and essential for formation of a healthy foetus. There are certain foods and supplements which are said to be harmful for both foetus and mother, thereby turning it into a controversial issue. However during pregnancy nutritional supplementation with fish oil is very essential for the proper development of foetus. The Omega 3 Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) which are abundant in fish oil are found helpful in forming a flawless foetal nervous system. It is also beneficial to pregnant mothers in preventing preterm labour, reducing the risk of preeclampsia and also Postpartum Depression (PPD). It has also been reported that the new born babies are at less risk of developing certain unhealthy skin conditions such as eczema. American Pregnant Association recommends that the pregnant women and lactating mothers should consume fish oil at a dose of 500-1000mg/day. FDA recommends not to exceed a daily dose more than 3000mg. Pregnant mothers who are taking fish oil should be more cautious to ensure themselves that they are getting fish oil from natural sources devoid of heavy metals like mercury.

Since ages people living near coastal area are dependent and fond of fish as a major component of diet. In recent times the change in the life style and diet is suspected to be one of the major cause for increased number in diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity which are called life style diseases. The research has indicated the importance of vitamin D, omega fatty acids and PUFA in sustenance of health and prevention of many lifestyle diseases. Hence the fish oil usage can come in a long way in maintenance of good health.

(The authors are with Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka 576 104)
