The much delayed HIV/AIDS (Prevention and Control) Bill, 2013 is likely to be introduced in the winter session of Parliament which begins on December 5 as it has found a place among the tentative list for transaction of business during the winter session. The Bill aims to end discrimination to the HIV patients and ensuring access to treatment to them.
Even though a string of important Bills related to pharma and health sectors have been waiting in the wings to be introduced in Parliament for its final nod, only one major Bill, HIV/AIDS Bill, has found a place among the tentative list for transaction of business for the winter session. A total of 7 new bills have been listed in the tentative list for transaction for this rather short session which is scheduled to end on December 20.
The HIV/AIDS Bill, pending for the last more than seven years, envisages wholesome coverage of issues relating to persons living with HIV/AIDS addressing issues of stigma and discrimination, care and protection, treatment and ensuring their rights. It protects people living with, and affected by HIV from discrimination in both private and public sectors, bringing the private sector into the ambit for the first time.
Other major Bills which were not listed in the tentative list for transaction of business for the winter session included Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subjects Bill, Central Drug Authority (CDA) Bill, ART Bill, etc.
The pending Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Bill (CDA Bill) that seeks to centralise the licensing in key categories and establish the central drug authority (CDA), will not come up for passage in the Parliament during the brief winter session.
Likewise, the ‘Biomedical Research Human Subjects Promotion and Regulation Bill’, which seeks to protect the human subjects used in any form of scientific research – behavioural or intrusive - done by an academic institution or pharmaceutical company, will also be not introduced during this session. The bill, which has been finalised by the ICMR, has been pending for the last more than nine years for its introduction in Parliament.