Discovery of a new Unani medicine to cure vitiligo Leucoderma, a serious skin disease, is going to soon get a global fame for the Indian system of Unani Medicine.
With researchers at Central Research Institute for Unani Medicine (CRIUM) coming close on discovering a permanent cure for vitiligo Leucoderma, a kind of skin disease, the Indian System of Unani Medicine is all set to emerge as the next wave of medical system providing solutions to long concern diseases in the world.
According to MA Waheed, director of Hyderabad based Central Research Institute Vitiligo, a type of Leucoderma, is amongst the most concerned skin disease causing long term sufferings in human beings. In order find a solution to this disease, the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, under the ministry of health & family welfare, has assigned the project to CRIUM.
As a breakthrough, researchers at Hyderabad based CRIUM are close to discovering a permanent cure for the white patched skin disease. “Our Initial findings of a research project undertaken are encouraging. We are almost close to discovering a new medicine that will help control the spread of the disease. The patients under study are given a combination of herbal medicines to study its efficacy in controlling the spread of the white patches on the body,” informed Dr MA Waheed.
After research and trials, Unani's usefulness in dealing with cerebral palsy is being heavily discussed. It is said to be effective in increasing immunity levels in AIDS patients. Unani medicines are also showing remarkable results in case anti-ageing, immunomodulatory, hepato-protective, chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, hepato-billiary diseases, sexual disorders, articular and bone diseases, psychosomatic disorders, neurological disorders, skin and blood related diseases, cardiovascular diseases and life style and communicable diseases.
As the Unani System of Medicine is proving effective in curing many diseases, it is fast emerging as the next wave of Medicine across the globe. “Recent research has proved that Unani medicines is highly effective in treating diseases like malaria, hepatitis B, Leukoderma and many skin problems,” added Dr Waheed.
Though Unani System of Medicine has its origins in Greece, it was brought by Arabs to India and has been adapted well by the Indians as their own. Thanks to patronage of Nizam of Hyderabad, his efforts have helped survive the system of Medicine even during British period.
As this age old system of medicine offers many benefits for patients, the Indian government is planning to propagate and develop Unani System of Medicine in other countries as well, so that they reap good benefits from this system. The expansion to overseas countries depends on the adaptability of that country and diplomatic relationships with that country.