The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested Deputy Drug Controller of India, A Chandrasekhara Rao for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs.50,000 from Janani Voluntary Blood Bank in Secunderabad for extending the license.
After receiving a complaint from Laxmi Reddy, CEO and president of Janani Blood Bank, a team of CBI led by Superintendent of Police V Chandrasekhar put a trap to nab the corrupt officer.
According to sources, Rao agreed to extend the license of Janani Voluntary Blood Bank only if Rs.4 lakh is paid to him. As a part payment, the CEO of the Blood Bank agreed to give Rs.50,000. But, annoyed with the attitude of Rao, the CEO of the Blood Bank finally complained to the CBI and helped it nab the corrupt officer.
As part of the plan to nab the officer, Laxmi Reddy was told to put the cash in a cover, which Rao slipped into a drawer just as the agency sleuths entered his office and caught him red handed.
The CBI team also conducted search of the Deputy Drugs Controller’s house and seized Rs.26 lakh in cash, gold ornaments, and property documents that are being verified to find out whether they are disproportionate to his known sources of income. The CBI is also looking into another written complaint from another pharmaceutical company against the Deputy Drugs Controller. It is also verifying the complaint and may take more actions on the officer.
Rao who is also the head of Hyderabad Zone of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has been arrested under the Prevention of Corruption Act and is produced in the court in Hyderabad.
“There are many sincere and honest officers working in the drug control administration in the state, this incident has really brought a black mark,” opined an officer at DCA.
With more complaints from the pharma companies, the investigating agency is also verifying them and planning to initiate action as and when it gets proper clue.