Fortis Hospitals Cunningham Road, Bengaluru launched the city’s first dedicated Catheterization Lab to provide emergency treatment to heart-attack patients. This is in addition to its existing Cath lab used for other cardiac procedures.
The new facility was inaugurated by the Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Minister U T Khader, along with Commissioner of Police, Bengaluru Raghavendra H Auradkar. Dr Vivek Jawali, chairman of Cardiovascular Sciences, Fortis Hospitals was also present.
Fortis facility on Cunningham Road witnesses an increasing number of heart attacks every day. On an average, the hospital caters to over 1,200 angioplasties annually of which 40 per cent are emergency procedures. In 2013, it handled over 450 patients for emergency angioplasty. The number has been on the rise each year, with an average of increase of around 23 per cent. The new facility with advanced diagnostics would reduce the waiting period, according to the hospital.
A dedicated Cath lab is aimed at further strengthening the Fortis’ ‘Attack the Attack’ heart attack awareness initiative, launched a few months ago. “The first 60 minutes, also called the ‘golden hour’ and is a guarantee for a total restoration of the damaged heart. The Cath lab seeks to fulfill a life-saving mission. Emergency angioplasty has come to be recognized as the golden rule for the treatment of any heart-attack patients,” stated Dr Vivek Jawali, Chief Cardio Thoracic Surgeon, Fortis Hospitals.
With a dedicated facility for heart attacks only, primary Angioplasties cannot be delayed and will be able to save more lives from the current 55 to 60 mins by another 15 mins said Dr Keshava R, consultant interventional cardiologist at Fortis Hospitals.
A Cath lab is an examination room that uses diagnostic imaging equipment to visualize the arteries of the heart and the chambers of the heart and treat any stenosis or abnormality. The opening of the Cath lab assumes significance in view of the increasing need of angiography/percutaneous techniques like coronary angioplasty or ballooning in any cardiac unit. It is equipped with an intra vascular ultra sound system for imaging inside the coronary artery which is vital for complex angioplasty and optimizing angioplasty results, added Dr Keshava.