
DBT issues draft Bill to establish Regional Centre for Biotechnology at Faridabad to drive innovation in biotechnology

Ramesh Shankar, MumbaiFriday, September 5, 2014, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has released the draft Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2014 to provide for the establishment of an institution of national importance for training and education under the auspices of UNESCO at Faridabad in Haryana.

The broad objective of the centre is to produce highly trained human resource to drive  innovation in biotechnology and also to establish desired infrastructure and technology platform to develop research  programmes of a global quality through international partnerships. It  also aims to create a hub of biotech enterprise in the Asian region.

The proposed centre will be a Category II centre in terms of principles and  guidelines for the establishment and functioning of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) institutes and centers.  Category II Institutes and centers under the auspices of UNESCO are a modality without  precedence in the United Nations system: they are provided and funded by Member  States and are committed to engage in support of UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives.

UNESCO’s association in this project is important, not in terms of lot of monitory support but in developing linkages with Centers of Excellences in Biotechnology globally. It would also impart international work culture with clear objectivity which is missing in most of Indian universities/institutions.

The centre is different from other DBT institutes as none of the other institutes is interdisciplinary of the kind proposed for the centre
which can handle science engineering and technology at the same time. Also DBT institutes do not conduct Masters level training.

The main focus of the centre would be to create outstanding opportunities and high quality human resource in interdisciplinary areas and also to conduct short-term training programme in interdisciplinary and platform technologies for skill development in existing personnel. It would also focus on offering specialised Masters Degree courses, unique PhD programmes & high
quality R&D in specific areas. Besides, it would also provide for visiting professorships for Indian and international scientists.

The main functions of the centre will be to establish infrastructure and technology platforms which are directly relevant to biotechnology education, training and research; to execute educational and training activities including grant of degrees in research in biotechnology and related fields; to produce human resource tailored to drive innovation in biotechnology, particularly in areas of new opportunities and to fill talent gap in deficient areas; and to undertake research and development and scientific investigations in collaboration with relevant research centres in the region.

Other functions of the centre include to hold scientific symposia and conferences within India or in the region or outside the region and to conduct short-term and long-term training courses and workshops in all areas of biotechnology; to collect universally available information with a view to setting up data banks for bio-information; to collect and disseminate, through networking, the relevant local knowledge in the field of biotechnology, ensuring protection of intellectual property rights of local stakeholder communities; and to develop and implement a policy for intellectual property rights which is equitable and just to the stakeholders involved in research in the Regional Centre.

Other functions are to disseminate the outcome of research activities in different countries through the publication of books and articles; to promote collaborative research and development networking programme in specific areas of biotechnology with national, regional and international networks and promote exchange of scientists, at the regional level having regard to issues pertaining to intellectual property rights of collaborating institutions promoting equitable sharing of benefits with collaborating institutions; and to frame  and to alter, modify or rescind the same.

The DBT has invited comments and suggestions from the public and other stakeholders on the draft Legislative Bill,  before 01.10.2014.
