
Ayurveda treatment more beneficial in diabetes treatment: expert

Our Bureau, MumbaiTuesday, November 11, 2014, 17:10 Hrs  [IST]

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) estimated that the country already had around 65.1 million diabetes patients. Only China, with 98.4 million cases, has more diabetes patients globally. With World diabetes Day on 14th November 2014 drawing near, Vaidya Smita Naram, Co founder of Ayushakti who is credited to have helped more than one million patients from 108 countries suffering from diabetes gives a low down on how Ayurveda treatment is more beneficial in diabetes treatment.  

If left untreated or high blood glucose is ignored for a long time, diabetes may cause severe long term complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes can increase the risk of various cardiovascular diseases such as angina, stroke, atherosclerosis etc.

Neuropathy is caused when high glucose in blood causes damage to the delicate blood walls called capillaries. This may cause tingling sensation or numbness of the extremities such as fingers, legs, toes etc. if neuropathy is not treated on time it may lead to loss of the affected limbs.

Nephropathy is a condition when excess sugar levels also pose risk to kidney damage by injuring the delicate blood vessels of kidney responsible for filtering waste from the blood. Retinopathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes is retinopathy. As it can damage the tiny blood vessels of the eye, it leads to conditions like cataract, glaucoma or permanent blindness. Foot damage and skin problems: poor blood flow to the feet can decrease the rate of healing cuts, blisters and foot injury ultimately leading to toe, foot or leg amputation. Diabetes may also make one susceptible to skin infections such as bacterial or fungal infections.

As Diabetes is a disease without any complete cure, little lifestyle modification and dietary restrictions may help the patient to manage and control their blood glucose levels.

Here are remarkable tips which help to control diabetes naturally mix Turmeric Powder half a tsp, Aamla (mirobalan) Powder 1 tsp, Methi (fenugreek) Seeds Powder half-a tsp. in half glass of water and take daily in the morning on empty stomach.

Proven herbs like Mamejawa, Amla, Haridra, Trikatu remarkably reduces cellular resistance by improving metabolism. Methi (Fenugreek) helps slow down absorption of sugar from stomach to the blood. Meshashrungi is proven to repair pancreas cells and improve functions.

Regular detox programs under the guidance of experienced ayurvedic doctors also help deeper healing and controlling diabetes. Slowly one can reduce the allopathic dosages.

Diet has a very important role in your body to rectify the digestive process on a regular basis and reducing the toxins formation. Your food proportion should be 60 per cent vegetables, 30 per cent protein and 10 per cent carbohydrates. This will also control your weight.

Take more of  proteins like Chickpea, Mung, lentils, Masoor, Mung daal, soya bean products, chana daal. Fish & chicken.  Vegetables like palak (spinach), leafy greens, Dudhi (bottle gourd), Turai, bhopla (white pumpkin), Padwal (snake gourd), Karela (bitter gourd), cereals like Green millet, Ragi, corn,) & Barley (Jav). Zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprout, carrots, cabbage celery, mustard greens, okra, onion, red and green peppers, turnip.  Fruits like apple, strawberry, black berry, canberry, pomegranate, papaya.

Avoid high carbs foods like Rice, Potato, fruits, white flour, deep fried foods, red meet & Sabudana (tapioca), pasta, canned juice, packed foods, nuts. Daily walking for half-an hour is very important. Or running, swimming at least 3 hours every week. Practising Pranayama, anulom, vilom, kapalbhati regularly for 10-20 minutes.

In the year 2000, India topped the world as the country with highest number of diabetics with 31.7 million diagnosed cases. Today this picture is even more solemn with over 60 million cases of diabetes diagnosed across the country. Hence, Diabetes is fast emerging as a lethal epidemic in India.
