
Internet - a gateway to reliable medicine information

GP Mohanta & PK Manna Tuesday, December 30, 2014, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

In a recent story published in BBC claimed that the medical information available in Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, contains errors in nine out of 10 of its health entries including osteoarthritis, back problems and asthma, and should be treated with caution. This story was based on a publication entitled “Wikipedia vs Peer-Reviewed Medical Literature for Information about the 10 most costly medical conditions” in The Journal of American Osteopathic Association. While the story spreaded like wild fire damaging the reputation of Wikipedia, there has been increasing concern about the fundamental flaws in the original paper among the peers. Wikipedia has a readership of around 20 per cent greater than the National Institute of Health (NIH) and 10 fold that of World Health Organization (WHO). But as a whole, whether it is Wikipedia or other internet source, it raised a serious concern on the quality of medical information in the web.

Internet becomes the part of our lives and with easy access of smart phones, it further penetrates. Life without internet looks like fish out of water. Internet is an extensive network of computers where more than 100 countries participate exchanging news, data and opinions. Through internet, one can have access to millions of computers provided the other computers are connected to the internet. The internet provides connectivity and the world wide web, simply web, takes us to the source of information. The web is a goldmine of information on just about any topic one can think of, and more are being added every day. As there is no regulation over the use of web, anyone can post information - accurate or inaccurate, helpful or misleading. Identifying the websites with the most accurate and relevant information is critical to obtaining information from the web.

Medicines are the major healthcare interventions worldwide. They are double edged weapons. If used properly, they save lives and wrong or inappropriate use may even cost a life. The inappropriate use not only harms the patients, it may cause economic loss or drug resistance problems. The information on medicine is the key to promote appropriate use. But, the information to the medicine users comes from variety of sources: advertisements, promotional literature, and internet. The healthcare providers often are not equipped or trained to critically evaluate the information available or received. The situation is worse with consumers. The lack of reliable information easily leads to irrational selection, prescribing, dispensing and use harming the patients and negatively impacting health economy. With continuing research, the knowledge about medicines is constantly changing. More and more new medicines are made available for use in the market. More information on existing medicines too appears. It is essential that the information on medicine must be up to date.

While surfing webs for various sources of information, here is a word of caution. All information available in web is not trust worthy. One needs to look into at least the following three criteria before accepting the websites’ information as authentic and up to date: source of information, up to date status, and ownership of the website. The website’s source of information varies from individual’s opinion to the research based evidence. The original source of information, if available, should be browsed. The credible websites usually mention the source of information. The up to date status of the information can be verified from the web page itself. Many web pages post the date on which the page was last reviewed or updated. One can find this date at the very bottom of the page. Some of the pages have copyright line which tells the time of writing the information. If the information has not been updated in last one year, it may require searching for more updated information. The websites are managed by individuals as well as organizations. About us in the website gives fairly good idea about the ownership. The websites maintained by the Government Departments or Agencies, Universities, or not for profit organizations are the most reliable. The websites maintained by the individuals and commercial organizations also provide lot of information but they need a double check. The information may not be fair and accurate if the company that pays for the site has something to gain from it. The individually managed websites may contain materials of half truth or myths.

The electronic discussion group provides another platform especially to healthcare providers and researchers to have access to reliable information on medicines. Here are examples of few discussion groups: E-Drug (, HIFA ( and NetRUM ( E-drug is used by healthcare professionals, researchers and policy makers to obtain and discuss current information on essential drugs, policy, programme activities, education and training. HIFA 2015, healthcare information for all by 2015, leads a campaign to ensure every person and every health worker have the access to healthcare information they need to protect their own health and health of those for whom they are responsible. NetRUM is a network for rational use of medicines, focuses on electronic discussion on current topics of interest. The membership to all three forums is free and one needs to be member to participate in discussion or seeking information from peers.

Googling through web may provide a host of information on medicine, one needs to filter the reliable and up to date information for use. The credibility of the website is perhaps the single most indicators that ensure the quality of medicine information.

(Authors are with Department of Pharmacy Practice, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar,  Tamil Nadu 608 002)
