
Pharmacy Regulations 2015 to bring ethics in profession by restricting service only to one pharmacy outlet

Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, ChennaiMonday, March 2, 2015, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Of the many clauses in the Pharmacy Practice Regulations- 2015 framed by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and notified on January 15 this year, the rule to restrict the registered pharmacist’s service to one pharmacy will have the most significant impact on the dispensers’ side.

Clause 13 in Chapter 8 of the Regulations mandate that the registered pharmacist should not give his/her certificate to more than one pharmacy.

Although pharmacists are raising various demands in the healthcare management system, their registration certificates are utilised by several pharmacy stores with their consent. With the new regulations, the PCI has put an end to such practice and violation of this clause will be construed as professional misconduct and will invite immediate disciplinary action.

If the pharmacist allows the owner of the pharmacy to use his/her registration certificate without attending the pharmacy, it will also be considered as misconduct from hi/her part. Similarly, a registered pharmacist working in a pharmacy is also found working in another pharmacy/pharmacy college/institution/industry/any other organisation as a teaching faculty or otherwise, it should also come under the purview of misconduct, as per the regulations.

It is also stipulated that a person having qualification in any other system of medicine is not allowed to practice modern system of pharmacy in any form.

The regulations further give one strict instruction to the registered pharmacist that he is entitled only to dispense those medicines prescribed by the registered medical practitioner (RMP) and has no right to substitute the prescription. If he wants to substitute, he should get the approval/consent of the RMP.

The Council also directs the owner of the pharmacy to exhibit his name at the entrance of the premises of the pharmacy business. Details of the registration number and qualification along with photograph of the pharmacist must be displayed adjacent to the area where dispensing is carried out. The pharmacist is liable for complying with a dress code while on duty with a badge displaying the name and registration number.

For renewal of registration, the pharmacist must attend minimum two refresher courses in pharmacy of minimum one day duration each in a span of 5 years organised by PCI or state pharmacy councils or central or state government authorities or professional bodies recognised by the Council, says the guidelines.

The owner of the pharmacy business should appoint a registered pharmacist to be responsible for regulations, and the appointment should be in force at all times. Otherwise, the owner will be deemed contravening the provisions of Section 42 of the Pharmacy Act . To be effective, the notice of appointment must be accompanied by a notice of acceptance of the appointment signed by the appointed person.

The pharmacy council states that it considered four primary reasons in framing regulations for pharmacy profession. They are; to improve the quality of health care, to ensure maintenance of standard in the duties of pharmacists, to reduce healthcare costs and to inhibit criminal abuse of medicines.

It also viewed that for the advancement of the profession, a registered pharmacist should affiliate with associations and societies of allopathic pharmacy professions and involve actively in the functioning of such bodies. He/she should participate in professional meetings as part of continuing pharmacy education programmes organised by professional academic bodies of repute or any other authorised associations.

According to PCI, the regulations have been framed by laying down responsibilities of pharmacist towards patient, another registered pharmacist and the public in general. He should practice ‘methods of practice’ founded on scientific basis and should not associate professionally with anyone who violates this principle.
