
Hospitals, infertility centres in Mumbai, Pune face action for flouting norms

Shardul Nautiyal, MumbaiWednesday, March 18, 2015, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

National Inspection and Monitoring Committee (NIMC),  constituted under the Union ministry of health and family welfare in its recent surprise inspections at genetic counseling centres and infertility centres in Mumbai and Pune found rampant violation of Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, (PC-PNDT Act).

It was observed during the inspections that some centres were not registered under PCPNDT Act and were not maintaining the mandatory documents D, E, G and as well not reporting to the concerned authorities. Inspections also revealed that State Advisory committee was also not constituted as per the act and no meetings held for the past four years. Besides this, State Inspection and Monitoring Committee (SIMC) was not constituted and so there were no visits by SIMC to the respective respective districts.

During NIMC inspection in Mumbai based Bombay Hospital, it was observed that sonography register is not maintained as per the format and columns as per rule 9 (1) of the Act. The centre at the hospital was recommended to renew its registration. It was also observed that Form 'Fs' were inadequately maintained, without entries related to previous children and with unsigned declaration of the pregnant woman. During inspections, BMC's BYL Nair Hospital was also found to have made technical mistakes in form 'F'.

Besides this, unqualified, unauthorised resident doctors were operating the sonography machine and signing all the legal documents like ‘F’ forms and declarations. It was also revealed that sonography machine, model and make was not specified on the certificate of registration.

It was found that the sonography machine of a diagnostic centre in Parel in Mumbai had also violated the Act. The BMC has initiated suspension of the centre's registration and sealed the sonography machines. The NIMC team found that Parel's Midtown Imaging Centre was not maintaining the photocopy of form 'F', which is compulsory. An inquiry has been initiated and the centre will be getting a show cause notice.

NIMC officials based on the inspections carried in Pune recommended cancellations of registration of 10 sonography centers where cases have been filed and file an appeal against the release of the machines.

During inspections, machine was sealed at Pune based Shrutika Centre. Sonologist was absent during the inspection at Meera Hospital in Pune. During a surprise inspection in the BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, post graduate student, who was not qualified and authorized was signing the legal papers like Form 'F' and declaration. It was reported that more than sixteen unqualified and unauthorized post graduate students were conducting sonography and signing the papers. This was brought to the notice of Dean and the Head of the Department (Radiology) and administrative officer of the Institution.

Sonography machines at Jagatap Hospital were also sealed following inspections. A case has been filed against the centre and hearing is going on in the trial Court. Registration Certificate was suspended for 15 days. Directions were given to the concerned appropriate authority to cancel the registration, seal the machine and take proper legal action against the appropriate authority who also gave re-registration to the accused Dr Jagatap and permitted him to purchase new sonography machine. It was also directed that a case has to be filed against the company which have sold the sonography machine to the accused.
