The Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) has slapped show-cause notices on five city based pathology labs for signing diagnostic reports without authorisation from qualified pathologists. This is the first time that the MMC has taken any action to deter path lab personnel from indulging in such practices.
MMC executive member Dr Shivkumar Utture informed that notices have been issued to five such lab personnel based on the complaints received from Maharashtra Association of Practicing Pathologists and Microbiologists (MAPPM).
MAPPM is an umbrella body of qualified pathologists, having under its fold more than 15,000 path labs across the state, of which 1600 operate out of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane.
"We have sought an answer from the path labs on signing diagnostic reports without getting duly authorised by a qualified pathologist. Action can be taken against the labs for violation of rules as per the provisions of the MMC Act," Dr Utture explained.
According to the rules, laboratories carrying out diagnostic tests should have one or more qualified pathologists to oversee the tests and certify the reports. Cases have also been detected in the recent past where the tests and reports are given by technicians and not under the guidance of qualified pathologists.
MAPPM had also written to the authorities in the past stating that only a pathologist possessing a post graduate degree in pathology can run a lab and sign reports. Lab technicians are openly flouting court orders even as interim orders of various high courts including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
Pathology is part of modern medicine. MCI allows only registered medical practitioners holding a PG degree in pathology to practice it, an expert says.
Path labs are facing challenges like non-pathology people running laboratories and issuing reports, and pathologists simply renting out their certificates without being present in the lab. Illegal laboratories pose a threat not only to the patients but also to those running laboratories in the legal way by appointing qualified pathologists.