The laboratory diagnostic industry in India is growing at CAGR of 12-15 per cent. With around 100,000 clinical laboratories present in the country, the biggest challenge that the industry is facing is lack of standardized training curriculum at paramedical schools. To address this problem, Jaypee Hospital, a leading multi super-speciality hospital based in Noida along with Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (OCD), a leading diagnostic company in India, collaboratively organized a one day workshop for laboratory technologists in India.
Titled 'Results Matter', this workshop was attended by more than 150 clinical technologists across India. The theme of this workshop was “The changing role of laboratory technologists in today’s world”. During this workshop, discussions were held on how to enhance the skills of laboratory technologists to ensure better patient outcome and care, quality control, focus on patient centricity, newer technologies etc.
Experts from various field of diagnostics interacted with the laboratory technologists in the workshop held at Jaypee Hospital.
Manish Trivedi, COO, Jaypee Hospital said, “Clinical diagnostics is a very critical pillar of healthcare services. Diagnostic is the grammar of medicine and quality of laboratory report is the key to correct treatment. Accurate lab results go a long way in saving lives. He further added, “We at Jaypee Hospital are endeavored to take this initiative of addressing skill gaps in diagnostics regularly. We will continue organizing such workshops in future too.”
Anand Pande, country director, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics said, “Adoption of best practices in clinical diagnostics and transfusion medicine is critical towards improving patient outcome. There is an immense potential in India to enhance the skills of laboratory technicians in line with the growing healthcare needs of Indian population. Through this workshop, we at Ortho Clinical Diagnostics have tried to make a small contribution to healthcare efforts of plugging these skill gaps.”
Medical Laboratory science is an allied health profession which is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of clinical laboratory tests. These tests help doctors to detect, diagnose and treat diseases. A Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT) does these tests by analyzing body fluids, tissues, blood typing, microorganism screening, chemical analyses, cell counts of human body etc. They play an important role in collecting the required patient information, sampling, testing, reporting and documentation of these investigations. They determine the presence, extent or absence of disease and provide data needed to provide and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
Medical technologists work in 5-6 major areas of the laboratory i.e., in blood banking, clinical chemistry haematology, immunology, histopathology and microbiology. They also work in the areas of phlebotomy, urinalysis, coagulation, parasitology and serology. Phlebotomists draw and test blood whereas lab and blood bank technologists do the testing and further analysis.
For nearly 70 years, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics has provided the global healthcare community with the means to make more informed decisions. They have pioneered some of the most important, life-impacting advances in diagnostics—from earliest work in blood typing to the latest developments in laboratory systems. Today, they are focused on creating innovative new diagnostic products, improving existing ones, advancing knowledge and shaping the future of diagnostics within global healthcare.
The Jaypee Hospital, a 1200 bedded tertiary care multi-super-specialty facility and the flagship hospital of the Jaypee Group is currently in the process of commissioning 525 beds in the first phase. The hospital has 150 critical care beds spread across medical and surgical intensive care units cancer care, cardiac programs, solid organ transplant, end-to-end mother and child care solutions and critical care unit.