Promisia Integrative Limited, a company focused on developing and marketing unique therapeutic natural products with proven safety and efficacy from robust scientific data, announced significant positive results from a clinical trial on their natural dietary supplement Arthrem. The results have been published in the December 2015 issue of Clinical Rheumatology, a prestigious international peer reviewed medical journal.
In participants with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee, the 12 week randomized, controlled trial showed significant reduction in pain and stiffness and an increase in physical function. The study's principal investigator and lead author was Dr. Simon Stebbings with the Rheumatology Research Unit at Dunedin School of Medicine, Otago University.
Arthrem contains a unique herbal extract from the plant Artemisia annua. This herb, also known as Qinghaosu, has been part of Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. Promisia first launched Arthrem as a dietary supplement throughout New Zealand in 2011. Today thousands of people in New Zealand and elsewhere buy Arthrem to help improve their joint health. With a new distribution point in Austin, Texas, Arthrem is now more readily available in the United States.
"The published results show that the natural product, Arthrem, has potential as an anti-inflammatory/analgesic in osteoarthritis," Dr. Sheena Hunt, study co-author and principal scientist for Promisia explained.
"In patients taking one Arthrem capsule twice a day, pain and stiffness were significantly reduced and physical function significantly improved. Particularly positive results were observed in a subset of patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis (as opposed to severe osteoarthritis). In this subgroup, the average magnitude of pain after 12 weeks of taking Arthrem was less than half of the value at the start of the study. Arthrem at this dose was also well tolerated with no treatment-related side effects," Hunt elaborated.
At 39 years old, highly active Bronwyn Russell said she began to have difficulty with stiffness and pain in her hips, feet and hands. Her pharmacist recommended she try Arthrem. "The difference it made for me is quite substantial. I've actually got a life now," Bronwyn said.
The study used the widely used the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), which is a standardized set of questionnaires that health professionals use to assess symptoms in patients with osteoarthritis. Additionally, a visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess joint pain.
As the new year begins, many make resolutions to live a healthier lifestyle through increased fitness and activity. Some fitness resolutions are derailed however by painful and stiff joints. "We are thrilled to be able to publish scientific research to back up what we've been hearing anecdotally from customers, which is that Arthrem® can help relieve pain and stiffness in arthritic joints," said Charlie Daily, Promisia's chief executive.
Fitness instructor Jill Kurta has been taking Arthrem for two years. "I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my shoulder, and experiencing a lot of pain, which was interfering with my work leading group fitness classes," said Kurta.
"After taking Arthrem I felt a big difference within two weeks. My pain is dramatically reduced – by at least 90 per cent. I am a happier person taking this product," continued Kurta.
Conventional medicines which are frequently used to relieve joint pain most commonly include analgesics (e.g., acetaminophen) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs; e.g., ibuprofen). "While these medicines are effective at reducing pain, they are not recommended for long-term use because of the potential for toxicities and adverse events," said Hunt.
"Many patients with osteoarthritis seek natural alternatives and complementary therapies such as Arthrem."