The drugs control administration of Andhra Pradesh has busted a racket of illegal sale of oxytocin injections meant for veterinary purposes. In surprise raids at four different places, the department officials confiscated 2,24,000 ampules worth Rs 8 lakhs from city based Manthri Agencies, Hindustan Medicals, Saikripa Agencies and Manas Pharma. Legal actions have been initiated against them.
According to official sources, cases have been booked against them for purchasing products without proper bills and also on charges of violating the packing conditions. The drug manufactured by two Bihar based companies were enclosed in honeycomb packs and smuggled into the state by rail. It is known that the ampoules, supposed be kept in blister packs in a temperature limit of 2 to 8 degree centigrade was exposed to room temperature. The illegal entry of the drug has been going on for last six months.
Oxytocin was meant for lactation of buffalos, which would have had adverse health effects.
Drug inspectors T Sheshagiri, Ravi Kumar, K Raja Bhanu, M P R Prasad, Suresh Babu, Saubhag Lakshmi and Charri Rajawardhana conducted the raids.
In a separate move, the department officials have framed charges against a licensed blood bank at Vijayawada for organizing unauthorized blood camps. Police case has been initiated against Krishna Rao of Shivani Blood Bank after they started collecting blood from people in the guise of blood group identification exercise. Department sources said that the license of the blood bank was cancelled with immediate effect.