The leading children's hospital chain in India, Rainbow Children's Hospital has launched new brand for perinatal services. BirthRight by Rainbow offers comprehensive care for pregnant mothers - pre and post delivery, foetal medicine and neonatal care. The support services BirthRight offers include pregnancy counselling, child birth preparation classes, breast feeding support, post partum care, nutrition and dietary support and yoga and fitness counselling.
The BirthRight by Rainbow was formally launched by Kalvakuntla Kavitha, TRS MP, who chose to deliver her baby in Rainbow Hospital and personally experienced its maternity care services. Speaking on the occasion, Kavitha said ‘I chose Rainbow for the safety it offered to me and my child.’ I have been associated with Rainbow for the last ten years. For a woman the weakest aspect is issues related to her child and that's where Rainbow provides the assurance and comfort of being in safe hands. I want you to fly the flag of Hyderabad high by taking your services across the country. Telangana state has been laying great emphasis on mother and child care and as part of which the year 2016 has been declared as the year of new born baby and the thrust is on identifying birth defects in children. We are laying stress on zero percentage outside deliveries and all deliveries should happen only in institutions. We are looking at the best practices and innovations in private hospitals, to adopt those in the Government hospitals, this way the poor and under privileged will also benefit from such practices. In my district of Nizamabad I have allocated Rs.90 crore for the government hospitals. She said the issue of caesarean deliveries is rampant at the level of nursing homes at district level, district and maternity hospitals are bent upon making money through caesarean deliveries she said. To curb this and encourage normal or natural delivery, government is trying to raise awareness amongst pregnant women about advantages of natural delivery and breast feeding. She said Government hospitals across the country are not in good shape, we in Telangana are relooking at the entire facility. We will have 1000 bedded hospitals at district level, 100 bedded hospitals at the constituency level and 30 bedded hospitals at the mandal level. Doctor availability is the biggest challenge at PHCs, we raised their salaries by 30% to motivate them to work in rural areas.
Namrata Ghattamenainim who released the BrithRight brochure said, Mahesh and mine is a decade old relationship with Rainbow Hospital, two beautiful children of ours were born here. I am quite paranoid about my children and their health, doctors at Rainbow put me at ease. Parenting practices are universal and will be no different even if you are a celeb, but how one brings up the child varies from parent to parent. I try to instill good values in my children.
Dr Ramesh Kancharla, managing director, Rainbow Group of Hospitals said ‘Having managed India’s largest paediatric healthcare chain, I believe that the best period to optimize childhood health is right from conception to delivery to the child’s first birthday, and since our experience lies with paediatric care, we concluded the best place for mother and child is within the domain of a children’s hospital.’ He said, Rainbow hospital is the largest paediatric care chain in the country. Currently we have 750 beds spread across Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Bengaluru. In the next two and half years we will be expanding our footprint to Chennai, Visakhapatnam and Delhi and add one more centre in Hyderabad. We will invest around Rs.250 crore for this round of expansion and raise the bed strength to 1300 from the existing 750, off which 850 beds will be for Rainbow hospitals and 450 beds will be for BirthRight, as children's needs are higher. The upcoming Hyderabad center on Banjara Hills road no 2 will have 225 beds off which 100 beds will be for BirthRight. We are following the Hub and spoke model, with a tertiary care hub hospital in these cities and we will have spoke hospitals of either Rainbow Children's Hospital or BirthRight depending on the need in the area, he added. Our vision is to make Rainbow Group of Hospitals the largest not only in India but Asia Pacific region in the next four years time.