Epidemiologists and genomics researchers who want to gain a deeper understanding of human genetic variation in translational research now have access to Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Axiom Precision Medicine Research Array, a powerful genotyping solution with more than 900,000 markers of biological significance for clinical research studies. The new array is available for immediate delivery for $29 per sample, with no minimum sample commitment.
The Axiom Precision Medicine Research Array is a broad genotyping resource designed to drive significant scientific insights into a variety of important health questions related to common and rare inherited diseases, genetic risk profiling, immune response and pharmacogenomics research. It is being offered at a very reasonable price point to fuel widespread adoption and to support a wide variety of programs for global screening of diverse populations in clinical and translational research studies.
Understanding individual genetic diversity across diverse populations is key for studies utilizing patient stratification and precision medicine. Dense genotyping with the Axiom Precision Medicine Research Array addresses the need for revealing inherited contributions to trait, including establishing causal relationships between biomarkers and genetic variation in large cohorts.
The array’s industry-leading advanced design contains about 800,000 pan-ethnic imputation markers selected for highest genomic coverage at various 1000 Genomes phase 3 minor allele frequency ranges, and more than 100,000 relevant gene variants from broadly referenced public databases, including ClinVar, CPIC, PharmaGKB and PharmaADME. Powered by the Axiom Genotyping Solution, preferred by many leading national epidemiology biobanking programs, the results from the Axiom Precision Medicine Research Array are fully compatible with existing genomic cohort data.
“Commercialization of this next-generation genotyping solution supports our goal to accelerate the advancement of global precision medicine initiatives,” said Dr. Laurent Bellon, vice president and general manager of Microarrays at Thermo Fisher. “Our long-standing relationships with leading biobanks around the world have expanded our knowledge of the challenges associated with relevant content critical to the development of a powerful tool designed to enable large-scale precision medicine studies.”