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Indian pharma market registers strong growth of 15.3% in August 2016
Our Bureau, Mumbai | Wednesday, September 14, 2016, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Indian pharmaceutical market (IPM) has registered a strong growth of 15.3 per cent to Rs. 9,643 crore during August 2016 as against 13.2 per cent in the August 2015.  It also clocked the highest incremental value over last year to Rs. 1,278 crore.   Average growth for the quarter worked out to 8.1 per cent against 12.9 per cent during last year. The incremental value added in August is 55 per cent of the combined value of April-July 16. According to AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS report, market also crossed the Rs. 9,000 crore mark continuously for the last 2 months and gastro intestinal markets cross Rs. 12,000 crore on MAT basis.

Market has added Rs. 1,278 crore over last year, whereas last year the market had added up Rs. 977 crore.  For the month of August the GDs 9.1 per cent in volumes, 2.9 per cent in price increases & 3.3 per cent in NIs. August quarter saw a volume growth of 4.0 per cent & price growth the lowest in last 6 quarters at 3.8 per cent.

The FDCs related market de-grew at 11.5 per cent whereas the non FDCs market grew at 15.9 per cent. The non FDC market in August-16 showed slightly better growth than April-16 at 7.0 per cent.

 From a GD perspective, the FDC containing market showed a huge volume degrowth of 16.8 per cent. Indian companies degrew by -11.1 per cent in the FDC portfolio whereas the MNCs degrew by 16.1 per cent for August-16 month.

Among the major players, Macleods grew at 26.8 per cent, Alkem at 21.1 per cent followed by Sun Pharma at 20.3 per cent. Out of top 50 companies, 29 corporates have crossed the growth of IPM for the month of August. Centaur has registered highest growth of 42.5 per cent followed by Bharat Serums at 34.4 per cent and Apex at 34 per cent. However, 36 corporate showed growths more than 10 per cent.

Abbott HC grew at 11.5 per cent whereas Abbott India grew at 10,9 per cent for the month of August. Zuventus grew at 37.9 per cent being the fastest growing as a stand-alone company amongst top 50 companies. 15 companies got launched in last 36 months in the IPM. Indian companies have grown at 17.1 per cent versus 9.0 per cent for MNCs in August. Amongst the top 50 in MNCs, Janssen grew at 23.2 per cent followed by Sanofi at 13.4 per cent and Abbott at 12.6 per cent. Under the non-NLEM category Indian companies grew at 19 per cent whereas MNCs grew at 11 per cent.

The NLEM 2013 containing molecules market grew at 4.8 per cent whereas the non-NLEM market grew by 17.3 per cent resulting in an overall growth of 15.3 per cent for August. NLEM & non- NLEM category showed unit growth of 14.9 per cent and 9.6 per cent respectively.

From therapy perspective 6 therapies have outgrown the IPM growth. Respiratory market grew at 32.3 per cent, gastrointestinal market grew at 14.2 per cent, pain & analgesics market grew at 15.4 per cent whereas anti-infectives grew at 19.6 per cent. Anti-diabetic market grew at 19.0 per cent & cardiac at 11.6 per cent, neuro/CNS at 9.5 per cent in chronic business. Anti-malarials grew at 38.6 per cent, VMS market at 11.4 per cent. Derma market grew by 12.2 per cent and urology market at 15.0 per cent.

From regional perspective 13 regions have outgrown the IPM growth.  Vidarbha market grew the highest at 31.0 per cent followed by Karnataka market at 27.4 per cent & South Maharashtra market at 25.2 per cent. All regions had positive growth in August, 2016.

Amoxycillin+clavulanic acid market grew at 23.6 per cent & glimepiride+ metformin market grew at 28.4 per cent. The markets of paracetamol grew at 47.2 per cent, atorvastatin 9.3 per cent, probiotic microbes at 36.2 per cent, bacillus clausii market at 41.1 per cent, cefixime at 23.7 per cent, pantoprazole at 11.7 per cent, montelukast + levocetrizine at 40.6 per cent, glimepiride + metformin + pioglitazone at negative 16.4 per cent, vitamin-D at 3.7 per cent, hydroquinone + mometasone + tretinoin at negative1.6 per cent, voglibose + metformin + glimepiride at 47.2%, rosuvastatin at 23.2%, protein supplements at 22.6 per cent and azithromycin at 21.4 per cent.

The major brands like Mixtard leads the pack with Rs. 44 crore followed by Monocef at Rs. 35 crore, Glycomet GP at Rs. 33 crore & Lantus at Rs. 29 crore for August. Few brands who have gained ranks include Monocef O, Ascoril Plus (+54), Deriphyllin (+43), Udiliv (+32), Revital H (+28), Minipress XL (+25), Allegra, Ecosprin AV (+23), Istamet, Gemer, Duolin, Clexane (+23), Combiflam (+20), Rantac (+19), Gluconorm G (+17), Ultracet, Sinarest (+15), Pantocid (+14), Trajenta (+13), Mikacin (+12), Calpol (+11), Novomix, Rosuvas, Orofer XT, Pan D, Meronem, Azithral (+10), Zifi, Dolo, Mucaine (+9), Levipil, Telma H, Mox (+8), Lantus, Duphaston (+7), Zoryl-M (+5), Janumet, Budecort, Ceftum (+4), Clavam, Synflorix (+3), amongst top 100 brands over August – 15.

Total 340 brands & 629 SKUs launched in August 16. Top 5 new brands for August are Isofer, Acogut, Himcocid SF, Oxra & Clostop. Biggest launch by MNCs – Tasigna HGC by Novartis. Sun enters the SGLT2 market with Oxra in dapagliflozin. Within the VMS category Jointace C2 Plus (Meyer), Colatage B (Koye), Inmela (Veritaz) moved up. Similarly, within cardiac new brands like Jbros (JB Chemicals), Nebesel (Zuventus), Besicor (Ajanta) entered the market.

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