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Specificity of nano silver for prophylaxis and therapeutics
Prof. O. S. Reddi | Thursday, December 6, 2012, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Nano-silver is pure de-ionized water with silver (Ag) in suspension. Approximately 80 per cent of the silver is in the form of metallic silver nano particles. The remaining silver is in ionic form. Though similar to colloidal silver, generally, a colloid is a suspension of particles of from 10 nm to 1 micron in diameter and the silver particles in nano-silver are less than 2 nm in diameter and therefore too small to be considered in colloidal suspension. They are rather, in a “nano-suspension” a much more stable state.

Because of the small size of the particles, the total surface area of the silver exposed in solution is maximized, resulting in the highest possible effect per unit of silver. As a result, the 20 PPM concentration of silver in nano-silver provides more effective inside the body than silver solutions in the colloidal class of many times greater concentration.

Another characteristic of nano-silver which amplifies its effectiveness inside the body above that of common colloidal silver products is the high percentage of silver in particulate (metallic) form. This is a key feature because ionic silver becomes silver chloride in the stomach or blood stream. Silver chloride is only slightly soluble and far less effective than metallic or ionic silver.

Were it not for this chemical reaction, ions would be preferable to metallic particles as they are in vitro. Only metallic particles survive the hydrochloric acid of the stomach to remain effective inside the bloodstream and body tissues. Most colloidal silver solutions are no more than 5–10 per cent particles with the remainder in the form of ions.

Combination of high particulate concentration and ultra small particle size results in a silver solution which is with out peer. Doing the math on a comparison between nano-silver and common colloidal silver solutions reveals a striking contrast in particle surface area, and therefore effectiveness.

Comparing the best common colloidal silver product (a theoretical formula of 20 PPM silver, 15 per cent particles of 10 nm), we get an eight - fold advantage for per cent concentration for nano-silver and a five  fold advantage for particle size. Multiplying the two factors to arrive at the difference in potency yields an outstanding advantage of 40 times.

 This calculation does not take into account the advantage of small particles from the standpoint of penetration into capillaries, cells, pathogens and “back water” body tissues. Though not readily calculable, mathematically, a knowledge of the body and its structure brings readily to mind the great advantage of particles a  tenth the size of those of other products.

With an advantage of 40 to 1 in potency per unit of silver, one can choose to use less of the product to expect better results or a combination of the two. Because of the potency of nano-silver, one can take less than the 350 mcg/day allowed by EPA as a maximum daily reference dose and still maintain a robust component of bio-available silver in the blood stream.

Very effective prophylactic benefit from 1–2 teaspoons/day of nano-silver over several years of usage by 10’s of thousands of customers in USA was noticed. That equates to 100-200 mcg/day, well under the amount referenced by EPA for public water supplies in the US. That enables users to be as secure with daily use of nano-silver as a dietary supplement as one can be with EPA approved drinking water. The properties of nano-silver, then, completely put to rest any concern with silver.

The various diseases in which nano-silver has been used with positive results are allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, chronic fatigue, herpes, leukaemia, plague, burns, cancer, cholera, colds and flu, conjunctivitis, diabetes, gonorrhoea, hay fever, leprosy, lupus, lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, cancer of skin, staph infections, strep infections, acne, syphilis, toxemia, trench foot, all forms of viruses, stomach ulcers and warts. Nano-silver can be used to ward off infections in drinking water in our country.

Nano-silver is one of the most beneficial products of nanotechnology. It basically works as a catalyst that renders the enzyme in operative. Single celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use this enzyme for their metabolism. Generally with antibiotics bacteria develop resistance to antibiotic. Antibiotics can not kill viruses. Nano-silver is effective against more than 600 – 700 different disease causing pathogens. No pathogen remains alive in the presence of very small amounts of nano-silver.

Apart from killing the organisms nano-silver is a growth stimulator for injured tissues. Besides its use in humans it is also effective on animals, healing burns and various infections. It is successful in the treatment of the dreaded canine parvovirus.

Nano-silver is very effective against bacterial, fungal and viral infections in plants by a simple spray or diluted nano-silver on the leaves or the solution added to soil is very effective. Thus we can eliminate the use of pesticides that has led to the contamination of soil, water and environment.

Now the nano-silver has become as the natural immune systems assistant. For the optimum function of body immunity every person needs nano-silver circulating in the blood stream.

Tackling microbial resistance to antibiotics
At present one of the most important major threats to public health is the microbial resistance to antibiotics which is on the rise due to extensive use of antibiotics in human medicine.

Sir Alexander Fleming discovered in 1929, the first fungal derived antibiotic that led to the control of microbial infection especially caused by Streptococci and Staphylococci. Thus the antibiotic era came up into being during 1940’s and early 1950’s. The first signal of antibiotic resistance came to be noticed in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s.

The present scenario is that more than 70 per cent of the bacteria are responsible for hospital-infections have become resistant to one of the antibiotics in use. This has resulted to some extent due to indiscriminate use of antibiotics even without the advice of physicians.

In the evolutionary system we do expect such changes where organisms survive the most repugnant situations. Centre for disease control and prevention, USA stated that significant bacterial infections to the most preferred antibiotics have come up globally. It has estimated that two   million people in the US acquire hospital-based infections resulting in 90,000 deaths annually. The present scenario is bacteria have increased by 10 fold or so.

Thus the research to evolve new antibiotics has become a perpetual policy to tackle the problem of resistance to bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections and continues to rise over a time frame. Methycilin-resistant staphylococcus aurous (MRSA) and Vancomies resistant to Enterococci (VRS) and in diseases like Tuberculosis, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhoea, flu, pneumonia, Malaria, E coli, Salmonella campylobacter is increasing.

What we need today is a permanent remedy to tackle this recurrent problem that has no end. Moreover antibiotics cannot kill viruses.

That is why we need to shift the focus to use nano silver that can be effectively used against all microbes, bacteria, parasites and viruses. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses but are effective against some forms of bacteria and fungi. Now we have reached such a stage that even the most powerful antibiotics cannot kill the resistant bugs. It s a matter of time microbes develop resistance to antibiotics by mutation.

Nano silver is the best product to tackle the problem. It basically works as a catalyst that under an enzyme in operative in microbes, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. Thus antibiotic resistant strains can be killed by nano silver.

Nano silver has advantages such as growth stimulated repair of the injured tissue. The presence of nano silver helps growth of worn-out tissues.

Another important aspect of nano silver is that by virtue of high percentage of silver nano particles in metallic form ionic silver becomes silver chloride in stomach. The metallic particles survive the acidity and remain effective inside the body tissues. Most colloidal silver solutions are no more than 5 – 10 per cent particles the remainder in ionic form.

(The author is founder, former Director of Institute of Genetics, Hospital for Genetic Diseases,Osmania University)

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