Diabetes affecting the working class group in Mumbai: Metropolis study
Diabetes is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India. According to an estimate drawn by the Indian Medical Council of Research in 2014, there are about 77.2 million people in India suffering from pre-diabetes and over 65.1 million diabetes patients. India is second only to China in the number of reported cases of diabetes. By 2030, India is estimated to be the diabetes capital of the world.
The aetiology of diabetes in India is multifactorial and includes genetic factors coupled with environmental influences such as obesity associated with rising steady urban migration and lifestyle changes. A upsurge in number of early-onset diabetes cases is also responsible for the development of various diabetic complications due to longer disease duration. Despite increasing awareness of diabetes and its life-altering complications, very few people undergo regular screening tests proactively to prevent disease.
In an analysis of over 100,659 samples tested for Fasting Blood Glucose at Metropolis Healthcare Ltd, a leading chain of multi-national diagnostics, the following are the findings.

Out of the 100,659 samples processed between the age group 20 to 80years, over 21520 samples were found to be positive for diabetes mellitus and over 20180 samples were found to be in a pre-diabetic condition which constitutes high risk group for developing diabetes.
In a % analysis of overall samples, we observed an increasing trend with progression in age. 21.3% are found positive for diabetes mellitus, whereas 20% have pre-diabetes conditions.
17.9% of females were found to be pre-diabetic and 17.8% were found to be diabetic and over 22% of the samples in males were found to be pre-diabetic and another 25% were diabetic which brings to a conclusion that 1 in 2 males are either pre-diabetic or are suffering from diabetes
Commenting on the study, Dr. Deepak Sanghavi, Deputy Chief of Lab, Metropolis Healthcare, said, “India is already infamous as the diabetic capital of the world, It is absolutely necessary for people to do intensive lifestyle modifications, especially in the cities & develop healthy diet habits to prevent Diabetes in the population. Screening for diabetes should begin when you hit 30 to prevent disease.Regular walks & exercise for adults; Physical activity/outdoor activities for children should be part of the lifestyle modifications. Timely health checks & regular blood glucose monitoring is essential for glycemic control and prevention of Diabetes.
An increasing trend is noticed both in male and females with a progression in age. Males are seen at a marginally higher risk for diabetes from the data analysis.
Diabetes mellitus is reaching potentially epidemic proportions in India. The level of morbidity and mortality due to diabetes and its potential complications are enormous, and pose significant healthcare burdens on both families and society. Worryingly, diabetes is now being shown to be associated with a spectrum of complications and to be occurring at a relatively younger age within the country.