Novartis India has posted satisfactory performance during the first quarter ended September 2011 and its net profit moved up by 6.5 per cent to Rs.43.18 crore from Rs.40.56 crore in the same period of last year. Its net sales improved by 11.8 per cent to Rs.206.76 crore from Rs.184.91 crore. EBDITA reached at Rs.65.90 crore from Rs.60.17 crore, representing a growth of 9.5 per cent. Its pharmaceutical sales increased by 8.6 per cent to Rs.140 crore and generics sales up by 15.9 per cent to Rs.13.16 crore. Its OTC sales reached at Rs.32.42 crore from Rs.26.46 crore in the corresponding period of last year.
For the first half ended September 2011, Novartis' net sales increased by 11. 8 per cent to Rs.394.81 crore from Rs.353.19 crore its net profit moved up 12 per cent to Rs.80.75 crore from Rs.72.09 crore in the similar period of last year.