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Emotive marketing can generate prescriptions
R.K. Srivastava | Wednesday, June 20, 2007, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Marketing is one of the primary drivers of sales in pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, it is the fact that marketing activities runs on establishing long-term relationship (Wright & Lundstrom 2003). Today, many firms are devoting time and attention to develop relationship with limited customers (Weitz & Bradford (1999). In fact, many scholars have suggested that relationship marketing can play important role Gummesson (1998), Hunt et.al (1994), Kotler (1991) Webster (1992). By better understanding of customers on an individual level and by delivering to them information and products targeted to their specific needs, marketers can develop long-term relationship. Relationship marketing does not advocate increasing the customer base but it propagates retention. Therefore, it bridges the gap between quality, customer service and marketing.

Relationship marketing is life stage marketing and hinges on the entire concept of lifetime values and relationship marketing. Idea is know the customer closely so that customised approach will help to garner sales.

Sales force with 80,000 in USA has made less time available at physicians level (Hradecky, 2000). India too is having same problem as there are more than 1, 50,000 sakes for targeting over 4,00,000 doctors.

Sales people play a key role in the formation of long-term buyer-seller relationship especially in those that have close interactive interface. They do have considerable influence on buyer's perception of the seller's reliability (Wright et. al, 2003). A 2004 M C Kinsey study indicated that sales representatives spend over a third of the in time in the field dropping off samples at the physician office without detailing their products.

Access to physician has become increasingly difficult with multiple representatives targeting same doctors. Therefore, relationship marketing can play an important role in bridging the gap. According to Forrester study of CRM at 20 leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide reported that 60 per cent of respondents had implemented CRM practices. The CRM improves the effectiveness of sales efforts.

In India, Glaxo communicates to 2,30,000 doctors three to twelve times a year and develops a strong relationship through mailer, medical journal seminars. This helped them to retain number one position in India. Physician sees pharmaceutical sales reps an important source of information and his prescription behaviour do change. In fact, doctors in a study conducted over 20 years have confirmed the role of medical representatives is given in Table - I.

Sales representatives carry information about drugs to physician and are a key factor in whether drug becomes accepted and prescribed (Lagace et. al, 1991), E Van et. al, (1986), Andaleeb et. al, (1996), Haddad (2002)). Physician's most direct point of contact with pharmaceutical company is the pharmaceutical sales representatives. Therefore, they are the link in developing positive perception of company among physicians. Relationship oriented sales people are value creator (Wright et. al. 2003). However, there is little work done on how the relationship marketing activities initiated by sales representative can help in improving sales through monitoring the sales through prescription tracking.

Objective of the study
Objective of the study was to find out whether relationship activity through emotional approach can affect the prescribing behaviour of doctors. The positive perceptions are necessary to create credible and confidence in prescribing the products as reported by Wright (2003). Is it possible to do so through emotion approach? Logical and rationale person can be influenced through emotion.

Research methodology
Research was carried out in Kerala state in India with about 100 percentage literacy rate. Many doctors are foreign returned and are more rational. It was presumed that rational person cannot be emotionally charged so easily. Research was carried out in 12 cities of the state.

Type of research
It was an exploratory research. Doctors were selected on a random basis who were 45 plus of age. The assumption for selecting these doctors was that doctors may not remember important events related to their life. Marriage anniversary was one of the chosen techniques to develop relationship with doctors. It is well-known that 45 plus Indians do not remember their marriage anniversary with few exceptions. This was confirmed during initial survey when this question was raised directly to physicians. Of some one who is not related makes an attempt to en-cash it may touch the emotional cord. With this assumption, 'celebrate marriage anniversary of 45 plus doctors' campaign was launched. Marriage anniversary dates in the first step were collected with help of receptionist /compounder and arranged month wise. Medical representatives and manager of the area were instructed to visit the doctor home early morning by seven so that their doorbell will be the first bell on that morning. Doctor's couple was greeted personally by offering flowers and cakes by the member them. Their visit in the morning was monitored by second line manager them. Visiting team member did not discuss business but only greeted them. Most of them were surprised. Within a week pharmaceutical sales representative (Medical Rep) visited him in his clinic for routine business call. There was lot of positive change in relationship. This was reflected between prescriptions and value of business generated before the event and after the event. This was recorded every month for three to four months through chemist audit.

Samples size:
40 doctors participated in this study. The entire study started in August 2006 and their prescription behaviour before and after the event were recorded till December 2006. The profile of the doctors who participated is given in Table-II.

Doctors were selected on the basis of their birthday and importance to the company business potentials.

Management control
Participants were selected across entire twelve cities of Kerala state. Care was taken to ensure that they were 45 years old plus age group and is important doctors of the cities. Mobile connectivity was used to ensure that visit at their residence by manager and pharmaceutical reps takes place around seven in the morning as doctors may expect bell ring from paper or fresh milk man/paper delivery person. Objective was to surprise the doctor and customer delight. It was also assumed that marriage anniversary, will not be remembered by 45 plus old doctors. Therefore, this small activity can bring a moment of happiness and in turns bring the customer nearer to pharmaceutical representatives. It was also ensured that a visit is followed to his clinic within a week for promotion of products. Nearby chemists sales were monitored with respect to prescriptions and purchases made by them through invoice copies.

Results & discussion
Perception as per Wright & Lund Strom (2003) will influence relationship. Relationship is built by combination of individual value systems and personal characteristics added with company's product and image. Relationship marketing activities can bring in the doctor's trust with pharmaceutical representatives. Companies have invested in relationship marketing in order to schedule targeted sales call driven by physician profile based an matrices such as specialty, prescription frequency, volume, age, opinion leader and location (Bhalla et.al, 2004). However, role of marriage anniversary as a tool to develop relationship marketing with 45 plus age group of doctors has not been studies.

Results given in Table III indicated that there was an increase of prescription by 14 per cent in the first months and went up to 16 per cent in the second month from day of event. However, it did go down in growth rate to 3 per cent in the third month. Tapering of the impact could be healthy seasons in the month of December. What is important is the incremental increase in sales due to a specific relationship marketing activity. This activity has helped to change the perception of company's image in the doctor's mind. It is also important to not that doctors (N=11), who were not giving any business to the company could start giving prescriptions. Thus, the above study, though exploratory study, confirms the belief that relationship marketing activities if touches the emotional cord can help marketing of pharmaceutical products. It also helps in changing perception about the company as change in positive perception lead to incremental increase in prescriptions.

Normally doctors are more rational as their left brain and right brain equally balance. However, their behaviour can be changed though emotive approach.

Emotive marketing can influence the behaviour of doctors. Mood can influence the prescription outflow of doctors. This mood and perception change takes place due to right brain dominance and decisions are taken from heart. If efforts are made on a continuous basis, the perception and mood behaviour can be modified. This can lead to more prescriptions. Positive feeling generated during social exchange interactions, influence affective attachments and liking for the specific individuals. (Williams, 2007). Positive emotion can influence trust by increasing the feeling. (Jones & George, 1998). Thus, emotive marketing can be good tool to generate prescriptions from a rational doctor.

Limitation of study
Since the study started from August to December, it was difficult to get more numbers as these months are not the marriage months. Therefore, number was restricted to only 40. Study is required with larger sample size. Kerala is highly educated and rational state. However, samples of doctors who are more emotional due to cultural factor could give even better results. Other emotional relationship activities can be tried and compared in future.

Managerial implications
There are many activities which can be utilised for relationship marketing. Marriage anniversary campaign if used for 45 plus personnel can help to develop rapport with the customers. This is more cost effective and can bridge gap between company's personnel and customer.

(The author is with Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (SIMSR), Vidyanagar, Mumbai 400 077).

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