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The holistic approach to health sector reform
Ashna Ddhannak | Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Health sector reform is a system which combines resources, organizations, financing and management which culminates to the delivery of health service to the population. Health sector reform guided under the government is a sustained process of inspiring changes in the policy and institutional arrangements which is designed to regulate improvements in the function and the performance of the health sector.

Why physicians and their nursing team should adopt the holistic approach in the health sector reform?  While a physician, being a medical practitioner, treats many of the crucial conditions in their patients, but the effective use of healthcare resources is acknowledging the need for them to influence their working environment with a little holistic information to guide their patients for living positive and healthy lives.

As a scientific proven fact, most of physical diseases and illnesses have their roots originating from the mind, which probably has gone through lots of negative emotions and thought pattern from a very long duration ultimately resulting in various physical ailments.

If a medical expert adopts the knack to inspire their patients to have an uncompromising perspective towards mental healthcare, that involves personal wellbeing and taking accountability of their happiness and personal values or choices and nourishing their mind, body and spirit with complete optimism, then we would definitely see a huge shift in the rise of their overall energy and strength in all areas of their lives.

Mental health is important at every stage of life, when an individual is suffering from a curious disease, it is foremost important to suggest them the holistic approaches and modalities for their mental wellbeing and happiness for the desired recovery. When they are free of depression, anxiety, excessive stress and worry, addictions, and other psychological problems, they are able to recover rapidly as the brain nourishes quickly and gets receptive to be able to live lives to the fullest.

There are several spiritual, new age healing, self care practices, modalities that a doctor and his nursing team can adopt while treating the patients that will help them to be positive throughout their journey of treatment.  

Let us explore a few bright possibilities that can assist to bring about a great meaningful shift in their existing practices.

Engaging a special mind wellness coach – a mind wellness coach is one of the professional referral and a wellness coach who supports to strengthen the mind. A coach helps to explore complementary therapies which will help stretch perceptions and learn various self help techniques to thrive and overcome stress, anxieties, and fears which in turn helps one to cleanse their body, mind and spirit.

Enforcing holistic integrated modalities like sound healing/bath flower therapy /aromatherapy - all these therapies aid in improving our lives on many folds and must be promoted to become a part of one’s essential tool for growing in life.

Sound healing promotes to dissolve all the unwanted conditionings in our sub conscious mind which actually opens out the path that was earlier blocking towards health and success.

Flower essences assists to bring in balance and harmony in daily thought patterns that tends to otherwise get disoriented very easily. They help us to remain in a calm and joyful state which is mandatory to move ahead in life with strength and vigour.

Aromatherapy fragrances assists to detach oneself from deep rooted blocks on a genetic level and gently leads them to accept their universal strength and power that was lacking earlier.

Chakra healings are associated with the different chakras located in our body that correlates to specific ailments and physical dysfunctions. The chakras are known as the spinning energy vortexes within us that are indirectly responsible for mental and emotional health. Their purpose is to create energy balance within our entire being and therefore it’s very essential to regularly cleanse and clear them to have an overall harmony in our existence.

Reiki, acupuncture, pranic healing, chakra clearings etc are alternative healing modalities and the science of mind which if practiced faithfully and diligently will not only improve one’s overall health in utmost positive manner, but also keep away the stress and other body diseases far away from them and turn around one’s life on a completely new level beyond imagination.    

Mind wellness health food - foremost for overall nourishment of mind, body and soul, as it is said that what we consume is what we become. So one must be mindful to include foods and beverages that compliments their inner system to feel the desirable result. Various cuisines can be prepared that are low in oil, calories and fat content, yet be ever tasty in all forms without losing their nutrition value. One must start focusing to increase their awareness and include them as a part of their overall lifestyle.

Holistic time management - stress is the biggest killer over the pressure of time and meeting deadlines etc. To have time management added with a dose of holistic approach in it, which is essential to raise the overall speed and attitude to deal with deadline challenges can be very crucial for the 21st Century. Letting go off the worry and identifying the priorities for your needs, rather than wants and then scheduling them as per the principles of time management modules will take away the humongous weight from your mind.  

Counselling for families – a patient going through serious illness or medical concerns can have family members who are far more panicked having inability to handle the situation to their best. A counsellor can guide and mentor an individual, couple or family members to remain calm and take the best course of action and can be very helpful to deal with the emotional aspects and reduce the overall anxiety and depression in the family.   

(Author is with Enlightening Lifestyle – Miind Wellness Boutiique)

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