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A section of medical doctors launches campaign against starting Pharm D course in India
Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai | Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The validity, necessity and promotion of the pharmacy course, Pharm D is being questioned by a section of the Kerala branch of QPMPA, the national  level organisation of private medical practitioners.

The association plans to set out a national level agitation against the promotion of the course by arguing that the advancement of the course will reduce the medical importance of the doctors.

The move against the promotion of Pharm D was already kick-started in Kerala by one Dr Sushama Anil, doctor –cum-owner of a Kozhikode based hospital. The doctor is now engaged in the task of mobilizing doctors from other states to escalate the agitation into the level of a national struggle against Pharmacy Council of India.

Dr Sushama Anil, a member of QPMPA has written an article in the monthly journal of the association in which she says that if the Pharm D is recognized and established by the government, and appointed those graduates in the hospitals as intermediaries between doctors and patients, the doctors community will lose the entire control of the medicines. Making a remark on the Pharm D graduates as ‘pharma doctors’, she says the total control of the drugs will be vested up on these ‘compounders’. According to her, the pharmacists, whether B Pharm, M Pharm or Pharm D, are mere compounders.

The article says that with the introduction of Pharm D, the Pharmacy Council of India is trying to bring back the extinct ‘medical practice compounders into force.' This move of the PCI will pave the way for a tussle between doctors and ‘pharma doctors’ (pharmacists) for power, position and importance in the health sector, the doctor maintains through the article. Her argument is that the doctors should be the backbone of the healthcare system, nobody should be allowed to try to be at par with the doctors.

According to her, the pharmacists (‘pharma doctors’) are vested with the roles of conducting patient’s medication history review, medication order review, patient counselling, adverse drug reaction monitoring, therapeutic drug monitoring, ward rounds and providing drug information to the drug information centre, these are nothing to do with the pharmacists, but are the duties of the doctors.  In such a situation, no medical representatives will approach the doctors and their knowledge about the new drugs cannot be updated. This will adversely affect in such a way that the doctors need only to diagnose or carry out the clinical procedures. “MBBS should be renamed as DBBS—Bachelor of Diagnosis and Bachelor of Surgery,” the doctor said.

Since there is the term ‘Doctor’ in the expansion of Pharm D, the person having the Pharm D qualification can use ‘Dr’ as prefix to his name. This is against the dignity of the doctors and the medical profession. Pharm D course is like the ‘old wine in new bottle’ as in olden days for want of doctors in rural areas, the compounders used to treat the patients, Dr Sushama wrote in the article.

While speaking to Pharmabiz at the QPMPA national seminar in Thiruvananthapuram, Dr Sushma Anil said a pharmacist or a compounder cannot become a doctor, then why should he put the term ‘Doctor’ as prefix to his name. The doctor prefers to call the Pharm D graduates as ‘compounders’ rather than calling them as pharmacists. To support her argument, she asks whether a conductor can do the job of a driver. She is of opinion that even the doctors are old in age, they update their knowledge, but the compounders are not. Further she said the doctors are service oriented, but the pharmacists are business oriented.

While arguing for the dignity of the doctors community, she said the Pharmacy Council of India has started the course on ego basis. “They (pharmacists) want to become above the doctors.”

Another allegation levelled against PCI, according to the article, is that the PCI’s intention is to phase out gradually the three year B Pharm course by giving opportunity for the ongoing Pharmacy graduates to attain Pharm D.

The article also exhorts the doctors’ community to organize and fight together against the launching of the 3.5 year Rural Medical Services (BRMS).


Sudhakar May 23, 2011 2:11 PM
Healthcare system is a team work. With the diagnosis alone you cannot cure the disease. Drug is needed. From discovery to dispensing is with the pharmacist still we are not claiming the boss of the profession. We want to work with other team members for the betterment of society. Only doctors think that they are god. Before talking, go through the system of health care of developed countries then you realize your position
Hari haran May 23, 2011 2:04 PM
The medical profession is not belonging only to medical practitioners. The physician is job is only diagnosis but new drug discovery, the drug manufacturing, quality control of medicine, dispensing of drugs, patient counseling all are governed by Pharmacist at different levels. Till date the pharmacist never gone on strike for their purpose they always take care of society. Now they are dared about the actual establishment of health profession as developed countries.
Dixon Thomas May 23, 2011 10:55 AM
Science grow by specialization & super specialization. A pediatric doctor is not a harm to a gynec doctor. A pharmacist is not a harm to a nurse or physician. when the science grows and it demand specialization, we need to be focused. I remember earlier all doctors need to practice microbiology, but now microbiologists are there. Earlier physicians need to give orders for compounding, but now they are not prepared for it. As diagnosis science is growing physicians may feel it more interesting than thinking about medicines. One of the example is that, earlier physicians did found new medicines, but now it is not practical. That is how science is growing. In reality physician should not think that the other related professionals should not do anything novel. Professional privilege and motivation should be given when you understand that you can not do it alone.
Is it wrong calling a PhD holder as doctor, or a dentist or physiotherapist as doctor. If there is a term as medical doctor the
samrat paul May 21, 2011 11:56 PM
we are also patient oriented.... no offence to physicians.....we all can one is superior or inferior....we all have our own role to play.
Sujata Varahamurthy May 20, 2011 7:55 AM
Its a great idea to start Pharm D in India. It will not only help pharmacists to be knowledgeable but also help the doctors to minimize the medication errors. Doctors should think that pharmacists are their allies and not enemies! I am surprised that a doctor can comment like this!
It's sad that India still has the stigma that Pharmacist need not know anything about patient history and the drug review, but only dispense medications in a retail environment. It's time that The pharmacy council of India woke up and started re-vamping the Indian pharmacy system, and get inputs from Pharmacists practicing abroad and automating the whole system, link all the pharmacies together, use the scheduling system more efficiently and improve the whole system!
It's time for all the Pharmacists to demand that the pharmacies are linked to a on-line system of checking the patient's medication history, flag drug drug interactions and help the society!
India has brilliant and smart students but a weak
Narendra Hegde May 20, 2011 12:32 AM
In India, any thing new has an objection. I am quite surprised by the doctors attitude. Is the situation same in western Countries. If the same doctor goes and settles in US, he or she will not utter a word and follow their system. Snubbing the Pharm D course in India is shame to all we pharmacists. We should vehemently oppose the move of the so called doctors
shiv sagar May 19, 2011 9:38 PM
Im really sorry to say that Dr.sushama anil had stated the above mentioned opinions regarding pharmD course is purely egoistic..
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) is a respectable body.It has introduced the course only by knowing the importance of pharmacist in the health care sector.
pharmacy is one of the important wings in the health care sector besides physician and other paramedical staff.Infact its the pharmacist who know well about the pharmacotherapy in depth.
let us forget about the pharmacotherapy for some time..what about the patient councelling? There are hardly any hospitals which involve physicians or any other medical professional in patient counselling,Therapeutic Drug Minitoring, and giving drug information.there are many cases in the history where people died of simple ailments like diarrhoea,typhoid,malaria etc..which is mainly due to lack of proper counselling to the patients and due to lack of understanding of me
Poojee Sudhapalli May 19, 2011 7:11 PM
Dear Sir,

The view presented seems to stem more out of rage rather logic and reason. The objective of 'Health care' by this view seems to be centred more around the status of the Doctor than the benefit of the Patient. Being in a respectable profession calls for one to view changes and developments in a logical, practical and resonable manner.

Thank you for providing this update. Baseless as they are, I am sure that all the alleations against the PCI will be thwarted in due course of time.

As we know the famous quote 'Beauty is skin deep', dignity lies in more than merely having a qualification.

Best Regards,

Poojee Sudhapalli
(Doctor of Pharmacy, Intern)
Krishnamurthy Bhat May 19, 2011 11:17 AM
Pharmacists are specialists of drugs and will remain that. They have the best knowledge on all aspects of drugs be its synthesis, testing, approval, actions and interactions. Pharm D is a only a new course to make their knowledge clinically relevant. Doctors need not be afraid of us, rather with Pharm D graduates working with doctors will give the doctors more time and energy to treat treat the patient. It is for the good of patients, physicians and nation that new professionals by name "Pharm D" are available in indian health care system.
Ravi Raval May 19, 2011 12:29 AM
@Dr Sushama Anil: hamari chalti hai to tumhari kyu jalti hai...

Shame on u Doctors.... cheap and corrupt mentalities of persons who sold their souls to drug companies and people believe them as "GOD"
Alok gupta May 18, 2011 7:49 PM
Dr. Sushma anil needs a pyschiatrist......
MD Salahuddin May 18, 2011 4:02 PM
This shows that how much the Doctors are frustrated and narrow minded. WE the Pharmacists wanted to upgrade the community service by working together with the doctors. I feel very much pity on the doctors.
SushamaAnil May 18, 2011 3:14 PM

Dear Editor

I have one more clarification regarding you article published today in regarding the launch of campaign by doctors against starting the Pharm-D course in India.

In that article you have wrongly mentioned the following lines:

‘According to her, the pharmacists, whether B Pharm, M Pharm or Pharm D, are mere compounders.’

During our talk I specifically used the word Pharmacist which is only a job oriented reference. Once more let me clarify to you that regardless of any educational qualification a person joins the health service as a Pharmacist will assume the job of compounding and mixing the drugs as they themselves claim even though they are not doing the same in the present day practice. Hence I referred them as compounders.
What you have mentioned in your article will give a negative feeling to those who are reading the same. I am unaware of the motive behind such an article by you. It is not suitable for a true journalist to add his own spi
Nilesh May 18, 2011 1:26 PM
I think Dr Sushama Anil is feeling more insecure. She is more worried about her interaction with MRs.
As far as the current medicine system is concern maximum doctor are prescribing the medicines without knowing its interaction with each other, rational of medicine.
Such practice is already implemented in foreign countries and outcome of the same all aware.
Regarding the dignity of doctors/Pharmacist or compounder will never going to hurt but it will definitely increase the patient benefit.
Its good initiative by PCI… keep it up….
Anuj K Sharma May 18, 2011 1:09 PM
I oppose the thinking of doctors.The doctors should first check about those who are practicing without any medical degree & approval from MCI.They should first check their own community.
How doctor community can compare pharmacist to conductor.Parmacist is a technical person by qualification & regulatory bodies;PCI in India.He spends approx same year s in his qualificatiion as the doctor does. Can a doctor manufacter a drug,can a doctor tell about SAR (structrual activity relationship) of drug,can a doctor declare chemical entity (API-Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) of drug which is used to confirm the side effects,ADR & SAR with their parent chemical structure,can a doctor dispense a drug.A medical representative who gives the knowdlege about new durgs who may be Pharma graduate.
A doctors in India are using a practice that they dont follow the drug compactabilities,they use high class antibiotics to treat ther infection & some they also use steroids (prednisolone) to treat resp

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