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ACC declares aggressive multi-stakeholder approach to overcome cancer threat globally
Our Bureau, Hyderabad | Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Hyderabad declaration of Apollo Cancer Conclave (ACC) has stressed on multi-stakeholder approach to root out cancer threat across the globe.

ACC, which was held in Hyderabad from 6-8th February 2015, has stressed on multi-prong approach to overcome the global cancer threat. The organisers conducted a unique round table discussion on the topic ‘Cancer Care-A global perspective’. Through this discussion the conclave gave a call to all the nations across the globe to come together and make concerted efforts to conquer the deadly killer.

The round table panel discussion was held among leading healthcare personalities, Health ministers and Ambassadors of 17 countries.  The panelists who took part in the discussion include, Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye, health minister from Republic of Uganda;  Dr. Victor Asare Bampoe, Deputy health minister from Republic of Ghana; Desire Koumba, ambassador of Republic of Gabon; Samuel P Yalley, high commissioner from Republic of Ghana; Ali Illassou, ambassador from Republic of Niger; Yogesh J. Karan, high commissioner from Fiji; Sikapale Chinzewe, Deputy high commissioner from Repulic of Zambia; Boopane Masoebe, first secretary from high commission of Kingdom of Lesotho; Morati Kelly Molelekeng, second secretary, high Commission of Republic of Botswana; Dr. Khery Goloka, health attaché, high commission of United Republic of Tanzania; Richard Frege, Counsellor, high commission of Republic of Namibia; Pema Gyeltshen, Health Attache, Royal Butanese embassy; Ahmad Fardin Zalali, Counsellor- Embassy of Afghanistan; Dr. P. Vijay Anand Reddy, Director, Apollo Cancer Hospital from Hyderabad, Dr. Purvesh Parekh from Tata Memorial Hospital and Dr. SVSS Prasad, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Apollo Cancer Hospital.

The participants unanimously resolved that an aggressive multi-stakeholder approach is needed to overcome the cancer threat globally. Due to drastic environment and life style changes, incidences of cancer have assumed alarming proportions during the past few years now. Healthcare specialists are of the view that cancer is an auto immune disease and it is triggered genetically due to various factors like environmental and lifestyle behaviours that impact on the human lives. Today cancer has become one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Every year over 15 million cancer cases are diagnosed across the world and 8 million cancer related deaths occur annually.

“While newer options of cancer diagnosis and treatment offer a new ray of hope to cancer victims, but at the same time it is critical to move the focus from treatment of cancer to prevention of cancer. Intensive public education on avoiding tobacco use, preventing viral infections (HBV/HCV and HPV), preventing obesity, avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and high vegetable and fruit intake is important to keep oneself away from the deadly disease,” said Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Founder & Chairman, Apollo Group of Hospitals.

Early diagnosis and effective treatment also reduce cancer morbidity and mortality by over 60 per cent. Mass cancer screening programmes based on the risk of a community will go a long way in preventing deaths from cancer. The round table discussion also strongly advocated massive cancer screening programmes with active participation of the Governments, Healthcare Providers and NGO's.

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