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ADMA may appoint a Swiss based consultant to advice on EU ban
Suja Nair Shirodkar, Mumbai | Saturday, June 25, 2011, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers’ Association (ADMA) may appoint a Switzerland based consultant for getting their advice and possible solution on the ban of traditional medicines by the European Union (EU). To discuss with the possibilities of having a future collaboration, ADMA had a meeting with the Swiss based consultant on June 21.

This move was initiated by ADMA in view of the huge losses that the Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Homoeopathy (ASU&H) industry is facing due to the the EU ban on traditional medicines that came into force with effect from May 1.

Sources inform that the Swiss based consultants are expected to submit a cooperative report on the probable approach that can be taken to tackle the issue by the Association in a month's time. If ADMA is satisfied with their work they may recommend them to the Department of Ayush for appointing them as a official advisor for the country at the EU meeting.

Chandrakanth Bhanushali, general secretary, ADMA said, “It is very early to comment on this. However, we have to take some or other initiative in this matter since it is the question of sustenance of the industry as a whole. The EU has informed us that the government has to appoint someone officially as an advisor only then can they give India an observer status. Unfortunately, Government does not seem to be too keen on it that is why we though of initiating this.”

Having an observer status will grant India the privilege to allow one government representative and one representative from the industry to be present at all the EU meeting relating to the controversial EU directive. However since India has not taken any steps in this front Indian companies are not able to present their opinion at EU meeting due to which the Indian ASU&H industry is suffering from lack of business from EU.

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