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Assn of allopathy doctors to move court against govt plan to allow Ayush practitioners to adopt modern medicine
Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai | Monday, March 16, 2015, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Union government’s plan to promote traditional medical systems and open vistas of future prospects for Ayush doctors by allowing them to use modern medical technology is unlikely to succeed as various associations of allopathy doctors are likely to block legally the ways of Ayush physicians indulging in modern medical technology and even handling cases with modern scientific methods, it is learnt.

The modern medical practitioners will challenge the decisions of the Union health ministry in various courts and finally in the Supreme Court, charging dilution of medical systems to enable Ayush doctors to indulge in quackery.

As per the views of allopathic doctors’ groups, the Ayush medical community should confine themselves to traditional systems only, and should not learn or use or handle the modern medical technology either for curing diseases or for improving their treatment methods. The Ayush doctors should consider the modern medical technology as taboo, and if any device is used for diagnosis or tests, the doctor should be treated as ‘quack’ and his entire healthcare management system should be considered as fraud or quackery. This is the latest policy adopted by the medical practitioners and exerting efforts to make the Indian Medical Association (IMA) to accept it.

As a first step, a high level group of modern medical associations from all parts of the country has started to chalk out strategies to legally prevent the government support to the Ayush community for their efforts to use modern medical techniques and diagnosis methods. They accuse the Indian Medical Association (IMA) for its silence over many issues concerning the exclusive rights of allopathic doctors.

While communicating with one another in this regard through an online medical discussion forum, various associations of different branches of modern medicine share the view that there is consistent onslaught on modern medical system by ‘Ayush lobbies’ including NIMA (National Integrated Medical Association) and supported by the Union government. They are also concerned about the formation of the central Ayush Ministry which may bring in more reforms to modernise the traditional healing system.

The reason for the sudden provocation of the medical practitioners is due to the changes made to the draft bill for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Amendment by the union government recently, and it is likely to be brought into the Parliament in the current session. The changes were made to allow the Ayush doctors to conduct non-invasive abortions. This step of the Union government has provoked the modern physicians and has become a subject of discussion in the national level.

The medical intelligent and medico-legal advisor to the Indian allopathic medical community, Advocate Dr. MC Gupta, the former faculty of AIIMS, New Delhi alleges that the support and promotional schemes adopted by the Union government is happened due to the dead silence of the IMA. While blaming the association for its deep slumber on serious issues, he says that IMA had not opposed legally certain provisions in the Clinical Establishment Act 2010 at various possible stages prior to its notification. Likewise, when several state governments, especially government of Maharashtra, issued notifications in 1992 allowing ‘vaids’ and ‘hakims’ to practice allopathy, the Indian medical association kept silence over it.

Dr Gupta has given advice to his medical fraternity, especially to the Indian Medical Association, to take immediate legal steps against this decision of the government and file anti-quackery writ petitions (WPs) in various High Courts charging practice of allopathy by Ayush doctors in violation of laws and Supreme Court judgments.

He opines that such petitions will form a solid background for preventing government from going ahead with the plan of diluting the MTP Act in favour of Ayush and even nursing personnel. It will also help IMA to get the support of all Parliamentarians against the proposed amendment. The anti-quackery writ petitions will also help for filing petitions against the proposed amendment (MTP) at an appropriate time, Dr Gupta informed his medical fraternity.


well Mar 26, 2015 2:52 AM
Yes we believe that herbs can treat diseases but it doesn't mean that we are people of 17th century, we are also living in 21st century then why shouldn't we use latest techniques and technologies to enhance our AYURVEDA,NATUROPATHY,SIDDHA,UNANI...more over why you allopaths don't go ahead with your so called "GERM THEORY " why at last you had to accept the concept of "IMMUNE SYSTEM "which was the basis of AYUSH system of Allopaths had made indian citizens permanent PATIENT by administrating toxic chemicals as medicines compromising its adverse effect on the body. AYUSH medicines though works slow but steady and generally are free from any toxicity.

Today patients are coming back to natural medicines but many of them come to natural medicines when much damages have been to their body by allopathic medicines which makes natural medicines nearly impossible to treat the complications and disorders caused by allopathic medicines.Allopathic pharmaceutical companies are al
Sabzar Hamid Mar 16, 2015 9:14 PM
The machines are made by Engineers for health care not for allopathy only. Today BUMS and BAMS doctors are well qualified. they too study Gray's anatomy,Robins Pathology,Harrisons medicine,Baily's Surgery,Dutta's Obstetrics,Shaws Gynaecology,Tripathis Pharmacology,Jains Orthopaedics,Chug's Emergency medicine,Inderbirs Embryology,Dhingra's E.NT ,Khuranana's ophthalmaology,Parks PSM and Guyton's Physiology. and with much high percantage than allopathic bioterrorists. ISM doctors study both ancient and modern medicine as recommended in syallabus by CCIM.... so on what basis ISM doctors should be critisized??? in my opinion ISM doctors are better than Allopathic doctors and they have knowledge of both herbal science and modern science. Requesting moron please either go through the syallabus of ISM degrees or keep shut.
DR JAGPOORAN DASS Mar 16, 2015 5:37 PM
To allow use of Modern Medicines to AYUSH Doctors is an attempt to promote Quackery in the country. AYUSH doctors are registered in Ayurveda/Unani or Homeopathy registers maintained under the Act .Every doctor has to study human science but the treatment part in handled by their own medicines as defined in their texts.
As the Councils failed to provide Qualitative training and the Government failed to provide Quality Medicines , so the AYUSH doctors prefer to depend on Modern Medicines. Government Agencies procure untested and unsafe Medicines , even the licencing authorities without following the Rule 158B of Drugs & Cosmetics Act which was enforced in the country in August 2010 allowing permission for the manufacturing of these Medicines .
Government should review the functioning of Ayurvedic Colleges and Quality of the AYUSH Medicines in the country. Mr Kezriwal prevailed upon his chronic ailment without Medicine, it means that instead of allowing AYUSH Doctors to use Modern Med
Haridas Kannath Mar 16, 2015 2:43 PM
Basis of approach is entirely different in different Branches . It is astonishing to find that those were against immunizations wants to practice the same Branch of Medicine who prpagate Immunization. It is again funny to note that an MBBs practitioner who gets trained at least for 3 months rigorously during the course and another one to two months during House insurgency has to undergo another training under a Gynecologist to do MTP where as those who have not seen a delivery during their course can do MTP by just undergoing a training. May be no CPA will be charged against them even if a mishap occurs where as an MBBS Practitioner my be arrested and send to jail if any minor complication occurs even if it is not the mistake of the Practitioner

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