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AVP bags award from EU for comparative study on allopathy & ayurvedic therapies for RA
Nandita Vijay, Bengaluru | Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore has been recognised for the outcome of a clinical study on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) proving the benefits of herbal medicine over modern drugs. The study compared safety and efficacy of standard allopathic treatment and multi-modal ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in 45 patients.

The Indo US collaborative study conducted by AVP and the University of California, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA has received the Integrative Medicine Research Excellence Award from the European Society of Integrative Medicine for its findings.

The three-year long study was conducted at the 100 bed AVP, a 70 year-old leading ayurvedic institution. It adopted a protocol, meeting the requirements of American College of Rheumatology. This is one of the few studies conducted on Ayurveda and funded by NIH. Dr Daniel Furst, leading rheumatologist from the  University of California, Los Angeles was the lead investigator.

Patients were assigned to three arms that received allopathic treatment, ayurvedic treatment or a combination of both. The study revealed that ayurvedic treatment was approximately equivalent to methotrexate with fewer side effects. The patients showed clinically significant improvement on the Disease Activity Scores.

The paper resulting from this study has been published in Annals of Rheumatic Diseases and Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, which was recognised by this award to be of high quality research and contribution to Integrative Medicine Research.

The research team from AVP is led by Dr P R Krishna Kumar. It was Dr Furst who, received the award consisting of a cash and a citation at Florence, Italy by the European Society of Integrative Medicine.

“We view the successful completion of the study and the award from European Society of Integrative Medicine as a major effort. In mid-2011 European Union Directorate had issued a caution note about the adverse effects of alternative medicines from India. We can now confront such negative views on the science of Ayurveda with a never before documented evidence backed by international verification. The achievement is important for Indian system of medicine. We have made a good beginning bagging the honours from Europe,” Dr Ram Manohar, director, AVP Research Foundation told Pharmabiz.

Moreover, a well known Professor of Complementary Medicine, Dr Edzard Enrst, University of Exter, UK has also mentioned that the protocols of AVP study should be adopted as a blueprint for further research on complementary and alternative medicine, while writing a commentary on the paper in another publication that deals with focus on such research, he added.

Plans are underway to carry out more research and also bring out databases of Ayurveda to promote integrative medicine for which AVP is also looking at collaborators and partners.

“While there is a general perception that rheumatoid arthritis is not curable or treatable, Ayurveda offers excellent and different modalities. “We have been administering the therapy for  years successfully. Ample data is generated data on such ayurvedic treatment and medicines usage in a systematic way in this study,” said Dr KG Raveendran, medical director, Arya Vaidya Pharmacy.

AVP Research, which was a Trust earlier has now been reorganised as AVP Research Foundation and was recently approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research as an independent Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO).


Ram Manohar Feb 18, 2013 12:13 PM
This study does not give any scope for patents or exploitation of Ayurveda. Rather it creates opening for recognising Ayurveda as a complex and complete system looking at a person as a whole. There is no single medication or molecule that can be used to treat RA. Rather a treatment algorithm has to be adopted by a trained Ayurvedic physician. To replicate the treatment used in the study in the West, Europe and USA will have to recognise Ayurveda as a complete system and also recognise Ayurvedic physicians to implement the treatment.
Ram Manohar Feb 18, 2013 12:10 PM
The therapeutic regimen used in the trial was the personalised classical treatment for Vatarakta, which varied from patient to patient based on stage of disease and other criteria.

The full paper of the study has been published in the peer reviewed Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. A short communication has also been published in Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the top journal for rheumatology in the world.
hari ram Feb 15, 2013 11:29 AM
It better to pace the mode and use of medicine publicaly otherwise there is a chance for other modern group of allopathic medicines for rheumatic conditions in business mind . And it is very nice to here thay we are restructuring in the new evidece based era .
sai prasad dr Feb 14, 2013 11:06 AM
I like to know the Therapeutic regimen tried in the clinical trail. Is it randomised or not . Duration and control group drugs.
Dr Sai prasad
RO Incharge
dr g k srinivasa Feb 13, 2013 7:03 PM
Good news. congratulation to AVP team. if full details of clinical study is published it would have become athenticative and trustworthy. if possible do it. congratulation once again for the whole team for uphealding uniqueness of ayurveda in USA.
Palwinder Feb 13, 2013 5:59 PM
We really dont need the European Society telling the indian community that we need clinical trials om various ayurveda formulas as they have been tried and tested 6,000 years ago ,what actually is happening europeans are coming to india to learn the wonderful art of ayurvedya and then go back to their origin and become swamis have their own trademarks , sadly if a european says this is the way forward the poor indian ayurvedchara has no option but listen .
it is high time that the Indian government should be responsible and fight back with the ancient and oldest system of ayurveda medicines -they are simply not taking any notice at all does not matter how many seminars you do in india but the peope who are benifitting are the europeans who are diluting this science to there advantage while the indian government is happy watching and waiting
I am afraid in ten years time this ancient medicine given to us by the Gods will be patented around the worlsd thanks to careless people in

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