Divi's Laboratories, a Rs.1,300 crore plus API major, has achieved significant growth in top line as well as bottom line during the second quarter ended September 2011. The standalone net profit increased by 45.4 per cent to Rs.106.05 crore from Rs.72.96 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. Its net sales increased by 39.8 per cent to Rs.354.08 crore from Rs.253.30 crore. With impressive growth in profits, its earnings per share worked out to Rs.8 as against Rs.5.52 in the last period. Its EBDITA went up by 58 per cent to Rs.48.95 crore from Rs.94.29 crore.
For the first half ended September 2011, Divi's net profit increased by 31 per cent to Rs.208.64 crore from Rs.159.25 crore and its net sales moved up by 38.2 per cent to Rs.713 core from Rs.516 crore. EBDITA reached at Rs.293.10 crore from Rs.202.03 crore, representing a strong growth of 45.1 per cent.
As against the equity capital of Rs.26.53 crore its reserves and surplus stood at Rs.2,011 crore.